Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - January 2022

One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make people sit back, think, ponder and follow the same for feeling positive in their daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - January 2022

PTP - January 2022

31.01.2022 / Monday
Detachment does not mean you should own nothing. It means that nothing should own you.

30.01.2022 / Sunday
The ONLY keeper of your happiness is YOU. Stop giving people the power to  control your smile, your work, and your attitude!

29.01.2022 / Saturday
To every problem you have two choices to pick from: भाग लो (Run away!) OR भाग लो (Participate in solving it!).The choice is yours!!

28.01.2022 / Friday
Success and Excuse always  stay apart!!  IF you want success, stop giving excuses and start actions. IF you love excuses,  then, success will never come your way. Make your choice now!

27.01.2022 / Thursday
A dream does not become a reality by mere magic. Your determination,  hard work and sweat are required to make it real !

26.01.2022 / Wednesday
Please do not let age change you.... Change the way you age!!. Stay  active and  safe. Stay cheerful and aware. Stay patriotic and blessed!!

25.01.2022 / Tuesday
If you have the spirit of understanding everything in a positive way... you will enjoy each and every moment of your Life, whether it is Pressure or Pleasure !!

24.01.2022 / Monday
Faith is like taking your first Step, even when you do not see the whole Staircase! So have Faith and proceed!!

23.01.2022 / Sunday
_Confidence is better than perfection because Perfection means doing your best, but Confidence means knowing how to handle the worst!!

22.01.2022 / Saturday
Time is a rare luxury which can never be purchased at any cost. So when someone spends it for you, it defines the depth of care they have for you!!

21.01.2022 / Friday
When you wish the BEST for all who cross your path, the universe brings the BEST to you! 

20.01.2022 / Thursday
Problems start encroaching your peace of mind, and make you go slow! So, please deal with your problems before they deal with your happiness!

19.01.2022 / Wednesday
Arguments are bad. But Discussions are good. Arguments are to find : 'Who is right?' and Discussions are yo find : 'What is right'! Learn and act!!

18.01.2022 / Tuesday
Forgiving those who hurt you  does not excuse their behavior....  but it prevents their behavior from destroying your heart and spoiling your life.

17.01.2022 / Monday
Life has five strong pillars: family, friends, kindness, honesty and humility. And they stand on a solid foundation called Love ! Increase love, enjoy life!!

16.01.2022 / Sunday
Making everyone happy is not in our hands....But being happy with everyone around us is! So look around, smile, help, be happy!!

15.01.2022 / Saturday
Failures, mistakes, rejection.... They need to exist in life so that they can push you to the next level. Please do not hate them or treat them lightly!

14.01.2022 / Friday
Everything beautiful is not always good, but anything good is always beautiful! Being important is not always good, but being good is always important !!

13.01.2022 / Thursday
Give thousand chances to your enemy to become your friend.... but never give even a single chance to your friend to become your enemy. Retain friendship!!

12.01.2022 / Wednesday
We do not have to always Agree with one another. However, it is important that even with disagreement, we learn to Respect each other always.

11.01.2022 / Tuesday
Success does not come overnight.
Everyday when you get a little better than before, it adds up....and you get closer to Success!! Get better in life each day!!

10.01.2022 / Monday
Gratitude shields you from negativity. It  makes you happier, boosts your self-confidence, makes you perform better.  Be grateful even for small mercies!!

09.01.2022 / Sunday
Talent and looks are God given…. be thankful. Fame and money are Man created… be grateful. Attitude and ego are Self created…. be careful!

08.01.2022 / Saturday
Good decisions come from experience but mostly experience comes from not-so-good decisions. This is life. So never regret. Learn from mistakes and go ahead!

07.01.2022 / Friday
You can't hug yourself. You can't cry on your own shoulder. Life is all about living for one another. So, live with those who love you the most....Love them too in return.

06.01.2022 / Thursday
Never be limited by other people's limited imagination. - (Mae Jemison).
Use your own intellect, think big and move forward!

05.01.2022 / Wednesday
Expecting and Accepting are two sides of our life. Always Expecting might end in making you feel sad, while Accepting will make you feel glad. Accept life the way it comes and live with confidence!!

04.01.2022 / Tuesday
" Humility is the ability to give up your pride and still retain your dignity. Be humble! "

03.01.2022 / Monday
Success is like a Ladder. No one has ever climbed a Ladder with their hands in their pockets! So make an effort and progress from where you are!

02.01.2022 / Sunday
Mistakes happen by situation, not by intention. Always try to know the reason behind every mistake of your loved ones. That is the way to VALUE a RELATION.

01.01.2022 / Saturday
Dear God, I begin this New Year 2022 with a simple prayer:
Please heal the broken people, make well, the sick. Restore happiness to those who despair. Bring love to the lonely, food to the hungry and peace to our world.


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