Friday, December 30, 2022

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - October 2022


One thought-provoking PTP share per day makes a big difference to many. The words make people sit back, think, ponder and follow the same way to getting positive feelings in their daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - October 2022

PTP - October 2022

31.10.2022 / Monday
Your mind is your greatest friend if you control it. However,  Your mind will be your greatest enemy if you allow it to control you! Beware!!

30.10.2022 / Sunday
Living in a favourable and unfavourable situation is called 'Part of Life'. But smiling in all those situations is called 'Art of Life!'

29.10.2022 / Saturday
Honest relations are just like water. No colour, no shape, no taste...but still very important for our life.

28.10.2022 / Friday
You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

27.10.2022 / Thursday
Life is not a music player for you to listen to your favourite songs always. it is a radio..... you need to adjust the frequency and enjoy whatever it plays!

26.10.2022 / Wednesday
Every exit has an entry somewhere. Every end has a new beginning. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Never leave hope. Life means possibilities.

25.10.2022 / Tuesday

Forgiveness is a strange medicine. If you give  it to others, it heals the wounds in YOUR heart!_

24.10.2022 / Monday
Life is a series of Moments, Miracles and Experiences. Enjoy every moment, notice the miracle and learn from the experience!

23.10.2022 / Sunday

Hurting someone is as easy as cutting a tree within a moment. But making someone happy is as difficult as growing a tree. It takes lots of care, time and patience. Please grow more trees!

22.10.2022 / Saturday
Some people arrive and make such a beautiful impact on our life, we can barely remember what life was like, before we met them! Every new friend is an adventure.

21.10.2022 / Friday

Your happiness should  depend on the thoughts you think about others....and not the thoughts they think about you. Be happy! 

20.10.2022 / Thursday
Nothing in Nature lives for itself. Rivers do not drink their own water. Trees do not eat their own fruit. The Sun does not shine for itself. A flower's fragrance is not limited to itself. Living for each other is the rule of Nature. We rise by lifting others!

19.10.2022 / Wednesday
Life would be perfect if anger had a mute button, mistakes had a back button, hard times had a fast forward button and good times had a pause button!

18.10.2022 / Tuesday

Please do not get upset with People and Situations because both are powerless without your reaction!

17.10.2022 / Monday
Being with no one is better than being with the wrong one.  Sometimes those who fly solo have the strongest wings!

16.10.2022 / Sunday

A lamp does not speak. It introduces itself through its light. Achievers never expose themselves, but their achievements expose them. Be an achiever!

15.10.2022 / Saturday

Honey bees must tap two hundred flowers to make one drop of honey. Remember, the sweetest reward comes from the hardest struggle.

14.10.2022 / Friday
Happy people are always happy, not because everything is RIGHT in their life. They are happy because of their RIGHT attitude towards everything in life!!

13.10.2022 / Thursday
Never leave a relation for a few faults. Nobody is perfect. Nobody is correct in the end. Affection is always greater than perfection.

12.10.2022 / Wednesday
Our  well-wishers are just like STARS in the sky! They constantly shine, but, often we do not see them .... until the dark hours come in our lives!!

11.10.2022 / Tuesday
Life goes by too quickly. So laugh and try new things. Forgive, forget and do not hold grudges. Choose to be happy. 

10.10.2022 / Monday
The happiest people I know are evaluating and improving themselves. The unhappy ones are usually wasting their time evaluating others. Be happy!

09.10.2022 / Sunday
What is the difference between School and Life? In School, you are taught a lesson and then given a test. In Life, you are given a test that teaches you a lesson!

08.10.2022 / Saturday
Some flowers blossom best in the Sun. Others do well in Shades. Remember .... God put us where we grow best. Enjoy your life in every situation. 

07.10.2022 / Friday
Be bold when you lose, be calm when you win. Facing the change well can change everything. Perseverance and Humility matter a lot!

06.10.2022 / Thursday
Life is a Math equation. Inorder to gain the most you have to know how to convert the negatives into positives!

05.10.2022 / Wednesday
Happiness is a choice that you pick up yourself ... It is not someone's else's gift to you!  YOU must choose to be happy, feel grateful and then share that feeling with the world!!

04.10.2022 / Tuesday
Attitude matters. Do not say 'No one likes me'. Just say, 'There is no one like me'. You will feel the change! So Live your life as much as you Love your life!

03.10.2022 / Monday
It is the best relationship you have, when yesterday's fights do not stop you from today's communication!

02.10.2022 / Sunday
If you salute your duty, you need not salute anybody. But if you pollute your duty, you have to salute everybody!!
- Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

01.10.2022 / Saturday
Life does not allow us to go back and fix  what we have done wrong in the past, but it does allow for us to live each day better than before.


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