Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - February 2022

One thought-provoking PTP share per day makes a big difference to many. The words make people sit back, think, ponder and follow the same for getting positive feeling in their daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - February 2022

PTP - February 2022

28.02.2022 / Monday
Try to keep your distance from people who never admit they’re wrong, and who always try to make you feel like everything is your fault. If you do this, Life becomes easier to live!

27.02.2022 / Sunday
In life you will come across people who will rate you n hate you, shake you n break you. But how strong and firm you stand is what will make you!

26.02.2022 / Saturday
Doing good for others is not a duty. It is a Joy. it increases your own health and happiness!!

25.02.2022 / Friday
Knowledge decides what to say. Skill decides how to say. Attitude decides how much to say and Wisdom decides whether to say or not!! 

24.02.2022 / Thursday
If you do not know something, better ask. If you do not agree about something, better discuss. If you do not like something, better say it politely. Please do not start judging silently!

23.02.2022 / Wednesday
Every Sunrise delivers opportunities to you while every Sunset asks you what you did with the opportunities! You should make the best of each day!

22.02.2022 / Tuesday
Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. Smile is an action which makes everything work faster except tongue. So control anger... smile often!!

21.02.2022 / Monday
When you kneel before God, He stands up for you!  And, when He stands up for you, no one can stand against you!

20.02.2022 / Sunday
Three things always hurt: Attachments, Connections, Expectations. Three things that gives you hope: Patience, Belief and Positive thinking. Keeping this mind, move on!

19.02.2022 / Saturday
If you wish to have good health in life... pay attention to not just what you are eating. It includes what you are thinking and saying too.

18.02.2022 / Friday
Successful people do not plan Results. They plan Beginning.... because Right Results always follow the Right Beginning! So, Plan your action and begin now!

17.02.2022 / Thursday
Immature people always want to win an argument, even at the cost of a relationship. Mature people understand that it is better to lose an argument and win a relationship.

16.02.2022 / Wednesday
A happy person is happy,  not because everything is right in his life. He is happy because his attitude towards everything in his life IS right! Try looking at the brighter side of life.          
15.02.2022 / Tuesday
Worry is a conversation you have with Yourself about things you cannot change. Prayer is a conversation you have with God about things HE can change! When you have worries, pray for HIS guidance for your action!

14.02.2022 / Monday
Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard times, they can only make you stronger.

13.02.2022 / Sunday
Anger comes alone, but it blocks your mind and spoils the relations. Patience too comes alone, but it releases your tension and creates good relations.

12.02.2022 / Saturday
You are Strong when you know your weakness. You are Beautiful when you appreciate your flaws. You are Wise when you learn from your mistakes.

11.02.2022 / Friday
Respect is the most important element of your personality.  It is like an investment,  whenever you give it to others,  it returns to you with profit!

10.02.2022 / Thursday
Silence is a strong fence around wisdom. If your foot slips, you can still regain your balance. But if your mouth slips,  it is difficult to rebuild your image again.  Please check your words and be wise!

09.02.2022 / Wednesday
जब मन कमजोर होता है,  तो परिस्थितियाँ "समस्या"  बन जाती हैं।  जब मन स्थिर होता है, तो परिस्थितियाँ  "चुनौती" बन जाती हैं, परन्तु जब मन मजबूत होता है, तब परिस्थितियाँ  "अवसर" बन जाती हैं। Be strong and look out for opportunities to progress!!

08.02.2022 / Tuesday
New day is like a new painting. Draw lines with Prayers, erase mistakes with Forgiveness, dip the brush into Patience and colour with Love and Respect!

07.02.2022 / Monday
All successful and unsuccessful people have 1 thing in common. "24 hours a day!". It is how we use these hours that makes us  successful or otherwise! Think and act positively and  productively!!

06.02.2022 / Sunday
Life can never promise you to be always happy. But life gets better after you accept things you just cannot change!

05.02.2022 / Saturday
To be happy, you must 1) Let go of what is gone, 2) Be grateful for what remains and 3) Look forward to what's to come next!  Cultivate Happiness!

04.02.2022 / Friday
Relationship is like plant which needs Understanding as sunlight, Love like water & Trust like air. Continue to retain good relationships!

03.02.2022 / Thursday
Calmness is a human superpower. The ability to not overreact or take things personally keeps your mind clear and your heart at peace!

02.02.2022 / Wednesday
Always be like a tree. Keep your head high, your feet down to earth and always be ready to give your shade to others!

01.02.2022 / Tuesday
Pages of yesterday cannot be revised, but the pages of today and tomorrow are blank.... and you hold the pen!  Make it inspiring!!



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