Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP)- March 2022

One thought-provoking PTP share per day makes a big difference to many. The words make people sit back, think, ponder and follow the same for getting positive feeling in their daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP)- March 2022

PTP-March 2022

31.03.2022 / Thursday

Perfect tip for a strong relationship ... If you do not understand something, please ask. If you do not agree, please discuss. If you do not like it, please say it politely. BUT please do not start judging silently!

30.03.2022 / Wednesday

All fingers are not of same length.
But when they bend, all ends are equal!!
Life becomes easy when we bend & adjust to any situation.

29.03.2021 / Tuesday
The importance of good people in our life is just like the importance of our heartbeats. Both might be invisible, but both silently support our life!! 

28.03.2022 / Monday
Speaking lips can reduce many problems. Closed lips can avoid some problems. However, Smiling Lips can solve almost all problems! So keep smiling!!

27.03.2022 / Sunday
Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. So stop worrying and start acting!

26.03.2022 / Saturday
Life is a compromise between your feelings and reality. At every stage you have to quit your feelings accept the reality!

25.03.2022 / Friday
Always find a reason to laugh and be merry.  It may not add years to your life, but it will surely add life to your years!!.

24.03.2022 / Thursday
There is no rule that says you have to have everything figured out right NOW!!. Every tiny step forward IS Progress!! Remember....Slow and Steady Wins The Race!

23.03.2022 / Wednesday

A child once asked God, "If everything is already written in destiny, then why should I wish?". God smiled and said, "Maybe on some pages, I have written - 'As you wish'!"

22.03.2022 / Tuesday
Every moment has love in it. Every hour has happiness in it. If you loose it.... it becomes memory. And if you live it.... it becomes a part of your life!

21.03.2022 / Monday
Adjustment with right people is always better than argument with wrong people. A meaningful silence is always better than meaningless words.

20.03.2022 / Sunday
Peace is the best treasure without which, power, authority, fame and fortune are all dry and burdensome. Try and be peaceful and calm at any time!

19.03.2022 / Saturday
Money is a Small coin. Health is a Big coin. Love is a Lucky coin. Friendship is a Sweet coin. And Relationship is a Gold Coin!! Make sure you collect all these coins and use them optimally.

18.03.2022 / Friday
Smile is a curve that can set a lots of things straight. So smile more often!

17.03.2022 / Thursday
If you think Positive, Sound become Music, Movement becomes Dance, Smile becomes Laughter, Mind becomes Meditation & Life becomes Celebration. Think Positive!

16.03.2022 / Wednesday
Life is too short to argue and fight. Count your blessings. Love your friends and family. Smile more often.   Make the most of everyday!

15.03.2022 / Tuesday
"Mistakes, Failures, Insult, Frustration, and Rejections" are all part of your progress and growth. Nobody achieved anything worthwhile without facing any of these five things!

14.03.2022/ Monday
Life is really nothing without Love and Care. Give it to everyone, but do not expect it back,.... as the significance is the 'Feel' and not the 'Deal.'

13.03.2022 / Sunday
Be bold when you lose. Be calm when you win. Changing the face can change nothing,... but, Facing the change can change everything. Good luck! 

12.03.2022 / Saturday
Remember, being happy does not mean you have it all.... It simply means that you are thankful for all that you have!!

11.03.2022 / Friday
Unless you cross the bridge of your insecurities, you cannot begin to explore your possibilities. So overcome your  insecurities!

10.03.2022 / Thursday
Silence is the best answer to someone who doesn’t value your words

09.03.2022 / Wednesday
Life is a series of Moments, Miracles and Experience. Enjoy every Moment, notice the Miracle and learn from Experience!!

08.03.2022 / Tuesday
Confidence isn't thinking you are better than anyone else. It is realising that you have no reason to compare yourself with anyone else. Be Confident

07.03.2022 / Monday
When we are wrong, and we surrender, it means we are Honest. When we are in doubt and we surrender, it means we are Wise. But when we are right, but still we surrender, it means we Value Relations!!

06.03.2022 / Sunday
Some reasons make relationships precious. But only precious relationships are made with no reasons. Keep those alive for a  lifetime!

05.03.2022 / Saturday
Respect your body, when it is asking for a break. Respect your mind when it is seeking rest. Honour yourself when you need a moment for yourself.

04.03.2022 / Friday
Destiny is not created by the shoes we wear, but by the steps we take. Make the journey of life memorable and meaningful.

03.03.2022 / Thursday
Understand that your Wealth is not your permanent Friend...But, your Friends are your permanent Wealth!!  So bond well with your close friends!!

02.03.2022 / Wednesday
Time decides who you meet in your life. Your Heart decides who you want in your life. And your Behaviour decides who stays in your life!

01.03.2022 / Tuesday
You are the creator of your own garden. Plant kindness, gratitude and firmness. You will enjoy beauty and contentment all days of your life.


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