Saturday, December 31, 2022

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - December 2022


One thought-provoking PTP share per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - December 2022

PTP - Dec 2022

31.12.2022 / Saturday
You can find inspiration from others. But determination to act is solely your responsibility!!

30.12.2022 / Friday
Certain people enter our life at the perfect time, for the most beautiful reason, and you know right away that this is a gift from God!

29.12.2022 / Thursday
Life is like a tree. The higher you want to grow in your life, you need to be stronger and deeper from inside!

28.12.2022 / Wednesday
Many relations cannot be evaluated in terms of money or gains, because some  investments never make a  profit, but still they make us rich!

27.12.2022 / Tuesday
Punctuality is not just about being on time. It is basically about respecting your own commitments!

26.12.2022 / Monday
Every soul is unique...born to play a unique role. So to compare, is to complain against your own uniqueness.

25.12.2022 / Sunday
A 'Lucky' person gets the opportunity. A 'Brilliant' person creates the opportunity. But it is the 'Winner' who uses the opportunity positively!!

24.12.2022 / Saturday
Patience with family is love. Patience with others is respect. Patience with self is confidence and Patience with GOD is faith!!

23.12.2022 / Friday
Thoughts that make us  HAPPY....are the thoughts that make us  HEALTHY.

22.12.2022  Thursday
Good performance always comes from passion, not from the pressure. Always be passionate. Love what you do & do what you love.

21.12.2022 / Wednesday
Life lays many great options in front of you. But you do not have to pick what seems to be the best. Just pick what makes you happy, and it will be the best for you!!

20.12.2022 / Tuesday
Progress is impossible without change. And those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. - Bernard Shaw

19.12.2022 / Monday
Your mind is like a bank. You can only withdraw what you have deposited!  So please deposit good thoughts, good deeds!!

18.12.2022 / Sunday
Courage is what makes you stand up and speak. Courage is also what makes you sit down and listen. Act accordingly!

17.12.2022 / Saturday

Everything you say should be true. But not everything true should be said.

16.12.2022 / Friday
A finger that wipes away your tears during hard times, is greater than the thousand hands that clapped for you success. Be that finger for someone!

15.12.2022 / Thursday
Speaking lips can Reduce many problems. Closed lips can Avoid some problems. But, Smiling lips can Solve almost all problems!! So keep Smiling...!

14.12.2022 / Wednesday
Sometimes what looks like an obstacle in your path is actually a gift meant to move you in a different, more positive direction! Consider this aspect too.

13.12.2022 / Tuesday
Only if you do not know yourself,  the opinion of others becomes important! - Satguru

12.12.2022 / Monday
Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you -- not because they are nice, but because you are!

11.12.2022 / Sunday
Walk with God when your heart needs company. Turn to God when you need someone to lean on. Take God's hands when you feel lost and alone. When no one can be there, REMEMBER God is always there. You are never alone!

10.12.2022 / Saturday
When you cannot control what is happening, challenge yourself to control how you respond. THAT is where your power is!

09.12.2022 / Friday
Your smile is your Logo. Your personality is your Business Card. How others feel about you after an interaction becomes your Trademark!!

08.12.2022 / Thursday
Results do not happen all of a sudden! Results are simply *one more step in the long chain of steps* that lead to that special successful moment!

07.12.2022 / Wednesday
ABILITY is what you are capable of doing.  MOTIVATION determines what you actually do... and ATTITUDE determines how well you do it!!

06.12.2022 / Tuesday
There is one good method to become successful in life. Practise  the same guidelines that you advise others to be successful!!

05.12.2022 / Monday
Once you have Matured, you realise that Silence is more powerful than proving a point!

04.12.2022 / Sunday
Do not let what you cannot do stop you from doing what you CAN do.- John Wooden

03.12.2022 / Saturday
The most powerful thing in our life is 'Thinking'.... which has the ability to change any situation! So Think Positive!

02.12.2022 / Friday
If you wish to have a comfortable journey of Life, it is better to reduce  the luggage of Expectations from anyone!

01.12. 2022 / Thursday
It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy what we have that defines our happiness!


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