Tuesday, December 27, 2022


One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make people sit back, think, ponder and follow the same for getting positive feeling in their daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity inyour mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

 Shama's Points To Ponder (PTP) - December 2021

 PTP - Dec 2021 

31.12.2021 / Friday
People should be blessed in life with friends, who are both mirrors and shadows! Mirrors do not lie and Shadows do not leave!! Hope you have some good friends! 

30.12.2021 / Thursday
Before you speak. Let your words pass through three gates....is what I speak, true?, is it necessary? is it hurtful? Do not utter untruth, unnecessary and hurtful words. Silence is better.

29.12.2021 / Wednesday
If you don’t separate yourself from your distractions, your distractions will separate you from your goals. So, be focused!

28.12.2021 / Tuesday
The first to apologise when you know you have hurt someone,  is the bravest! The first to forgive with magnanimity, is the strongest! And the first to learn from the experience and move forward will be the happiest!

27.12.2021 / Monday
Never hate people who are jealous of you. Respect their jealousy. They are the people who think you are better than them!

26.12.2021 / Sunday
Life  may knock you down sometimes. Remember that you DO NOT LOSE by falling. YOU LOSE by continuing to remain down :-(. So, GET UP and get going!

25.12.2021 / Saturday
There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking! So think without any barriers!!

24.12.2021 / Friday

You do not need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by understanding how you deal with your imperfection perfectly!!

23.12.2021 / Thursday
The journey of life starts with a bag full of Luck and an Empty bag of Experience. Have a goal to fill the Bag of Experience before the Bag of Luck gets empty!

22.12.2021 / Wednesday
Locks are never manufactured without a key. Similarly God never gives us problems without any solutions. We need to have patience  to locate the key and unlock them.

21.12.2021 / Tuesday
Enjoy music in any form...to some, it is the chirping of birds, to a baby it is lullaby, and to all it is soothing. Music gives a Soul to the Universe, Wings to the Mind, Flight to the Imagination and Life to Everything!!

20.12.2021 / Monday
Your temper is very precious...don't lose it!! The most important time to hold your temper is, when the other person has lost it.

19.12.2021 / Sunday
TRUTH is a drop of oil in water. No matter how much of water you add, it will always float on the top!! It is better to be truthful in life!

18.12.2021 / Saturday
Sometimes prayer does not change the situation. It changes our attitude towards the situation and gives us the hope, which can change our entire life!.

17.12.2021 / Friday
A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears!! So face life boldly, treating suffering as a stepping stone!!

16.12.2021 / Thursday
Life is short. Dont take any day for granted as everything can change in a moment. Be grateful for all you have and all that you are. Remember who is most important to you and always cherish them.

15.12.2021 / Wednesday
Prayer is not an attempt to change God's mind. But it is an attempt to let God steer  our mind to the right direction. Please continue to pray!!

14.12.2021 / Tuesday
Happiness comes easier when you stop complaining about problems and start being grateful for all the problems you do not have!!

13.12.2021 / Monday
A peaceful mind is better than an exhausted mind. Allow a few minutes of silence to the mind everyday and see how it helps in  shaping your life!!

12.12.2021 / Sunday
Sometimes we feel that all doors are closed in our life...and get dejected. However, please understand that all the doors 'are NOT locked!'.  Some may be waiting for your knock!! So what is stopping you?

11.12.2021 / Saturday
Discussion is an exchange of Thoughts and Knowledge, promote it. Argument is an exchange of Ego and Ignorance, avoid it.

10.12.2021 / Friday
Time is free but priceless.  You can't own it, but you can use it.  You can't keep it, but you can spend it.  Once it is lost, you can't have it back. So use your time fruitfully.

09.12.2021 / Thursday
Healing your mind is not about erasing or forgetting the hurt. It is about reframing your experiences so they add depth and meaning to your life!

08.12.2021 / Wednesday
We can't always choose the music life plays for us, but we can choose how we dance to it !!

07.12.2021 / Tuesday
Your true character is measured by how you feel about those who do "Nothing" for you. (Sometimes, 'Nothing' can indirectly mean 'A Lot'!!)

06.12.2021 / Monday
'Please do not blame people for disappointing you. Blame yourself for expecting too much from them.'

05.12.2021 / Sunday
Life is a trip. The only problem is that it does not come with a map. We have to search our own routes to reach our own destination!

04.12.2021 / Saturday
Usually everything is valuable only in two situations....First, before getting it. Second, after losing it. If you recognise the value of things as it happens and appreciate its presence, you will feel more humbled. Feel humbled in life!!

03.12.2021 / Friday
It is strange that 'SWORD' and 'WORDS' have same alphabets. Even more strange that they have  the same effect....if NOT handled properly!  So take care!

02.12.2021 / Thursday

Happiness is an attitude, more than a pursuit. It comes with the determination that  says, “I'm contented! Come what may, nothing can be disturbed”

01.12.2021 / Wednesday
To Smile without any Condition, to Talk without any Intention, to Give without any Reason, to Care without any Expectation, is the Beauty of any Relation!!


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