Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP)- May 2022


One thought-provoking PTP share per day makes a big difference to many. The words make people sit back, think, ponder and follow the same for getting positive feeling in their daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP)- May 2022

PTP - May 2022

31.05.2022 / Tuesday
A little adjustment is always better than a lengthy argument. A meaningful silence is always better than meaningless words.

30.05.2022 / Monday
Do not believe everything you hear. There are always three sides to a story.....Yours,  Theirs &  the Truth.

29.05.2022 / Sunday
Throwing The Past Into the Dustbin, Keeping The Present on the Working Table AND Displaying the Future on the Notice Board.....*That's A Great Attitude.*

28.05.2022 / Saturday
Charity begins at home! If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.

27.05.2022 / Friday
Dreams do not work unless YOU do!! So take action and make it come true!!

26.05.2022 / Thursday
Never blame anyone in your life. Good people give you Happiness. Bad peole give you Experience. Worst people teach you a Lesson and Best people give you Memories.

25.05.2022 / Wednesday
Prayer does not always change a situation. But it changes our attitude towards the situation... And gives us hope which changes our life! Continue your prayers.

24.05.2022 / Tuesday
Many times, the greatest value of having good people around us is not what we get from them, but how we become a better person because of them.

23.05.2022 / Monday
Winning your Goal is not the toughest victory, but winning your Patience to achieve that goal is the toughest one.

22.05.2022 / Sunday
Never stop doing your best just because someone does not give you due credit. Their rating need not affect your progress in life.

21.05.2022 / Saturday
Sometimes be blind to some of the faults of others. It brings peace in your life, because people may not change. You have to change your way of accepting others.

20.05.2022 / Friday
The struggle you are in today  is developing the strength you will need for tomorrow.

19.05.2022 / Thursday
Do not be afraid to let the world know who you are. As long as you are happy with yourself and your intention is positive, no one else's opinion matters!

18.05.2022 / Wednesday
Everyone may not be nice.... But there will be something nice in each one. Never keep a fixed image for anyone because, people act differently with different people!!

17.05.2022 / Tuesday
Do not plan too much....Life has its own plans for you. Always remember, some of the most Beautiful moments of your life are actually unplanned!

16.05.2022 / Monday
When people hurt you over and over, think of them like a sandpaper.  They may scratch and hurt you a bit....But in the end , you end up polished me and they end up useless!

15.05.2022 / Sunday
As long as we have memories, yesterday remains.  As long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we are in touch, every day is a beautiful day. Make today beautiful for you!

14.05.2022 / Saturday
Great Leaders start off as Great Followers! You cannot be a leader until you first learn how to follow!! 
13.05.2022 / Friday
Life is like making a beverage!  Boil your ego, Evaporate your worries, Dilute your sorrow, Filter your mistakes
and get the Taste of Happiness!!

12.05.2022 / Thursday
Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other up. Unsuccessful people just blame, complain and hate. Which catagory would you like to be in?

11.05.2022 / Wednesday
If you look at what you HAVE in life, you will always have more. If you look at what you DO NOT  have in life, you will never have enough. It is good to change one's vision here!

10.05.2022 / Tuesday
Success  never depends upon the size of your brain. It always depends on the size of your 'Thoughts'. If the thoughts are better, sharper and laudable, there is a sure chance of a successful venture!

09.05.2022 / Monday
Use your smile to change the world!! DO NOT let the world change your smile!

08.05.2022 / Sunday
When the whole world yells at you, 'Give up, please give up!!!', Hope whispers, 'try one more time'. Do not ignore thie latter... You have to just try once more with more zeal! 

07.05.2022 / Saturday
'Sunrise' and 'opportunities'  have one thing  similar .... Those who procrastinate, miss their chance to use either of them.

06.05.2022 / Friday
Not always does Distance kill a Relation. And not always does Closeness build a Relation. It is the caring of one's feelings that builds faith and maintains any Relation. So value relationships!

05.05.2022 / Thursday
There is always another chance for everything in life but, there is NO chance for another life! So.... dream it, mean it, love it and live it!

04.05.2022 / Wednesday
Please do not compare yourself with others. Just compare your today with your yesterday. If there is an improvement, that's your achievement.

03.05.2022 / Tuesday
Sometimes you have to suffer in life not because you were bad...but because you did not realise where and when to stop being good.

02.05.2022 / Monday
You do not have to control your thoughts. But you have to ensure that your thoughts do not control you!

01.05.2022 / Sunday
Some think that a strong person never feels any pain. This is a wrong thought.  In reality, the strongest people are the ones who feel the pain, understand it, accept it and overcome it.


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