Tuesday, December 27, 2022


One thought-provoking PTP share per day makes a big difference to many. The words make people sit back, think, ponder and follow the same for getting positive feeling in their daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder November 2021

Nov 2021- PTP

30.11.2021 / Tuesday
Relationships Cannot Be Made with Mood and Condition. They Have To Be Maintained By Feelings...  So Never Make Life As a Deal,  But Live It With a Great Feel.

29.11.2021 / Monday

Patience with family is Love. Patience with others is Respect. Patience with self is Confidence. And.... Patience with God is Faith!

28.11.2021 / Sunday
Please convince yourself that you are doing the best in your life (and get into action!) ..... rather than spending the rest of your life convincing others! 
Good Luck!  

27.11.2021 / Saturday
Nobody has it easy, everyone has problems. So, before you start judging, criticizing or mocking at others, please remember that all are fighting their own battle!.

26.11.2021 / Friday
Karma is like a boomerang. Good or bad, what you put out in the universe, will also be served to you. (Kylie Francis).

25.11.2021 / Thursday
'If you do not find time for today's fitness, you are saving that time for tomorrow's sickness!'. Be forewarned! Pay equal attention to Health, Wealth and Spirituality!

24.11.2021 / Wednesday
Opportunities are equal for all. But there is a difference. A positive person gives results and a negative person gives reasons!! You can decide your category!

23.11.2021 / Tuesday
There is no class to teach us how we should speak, but the way we speak definitely decides our class!

22.11.2021 / Monday
No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people tells about you ultimately! Be a person of great Integrity!!

21.11.2021 / Sunday
The Sea is same for all... BUT someone finds pearls, some find fishes. Some just find their feet wet. Life is common for all...BUT you can only get what you try ardently for. So, make up your mind about what you want from Life!!

20.11.2021 / Saturday
Performance always comes from the passion.... and NOT from the pressure. Always be passionate. Love what you do and do what you love!

19.11.2021 / Friday
Confidence is not about thinking you’re better than everyone else. IT IS realising you have no reason to compare yourself with anyone else. Develop Confidence!!

18.11.2021 / Thursday
Please do not look for someone who will solve all your problems ..... Look for someone who will not let you face them alone!

17.11.2021 / Wednesday
Maintain your relationships in life like the needles of a clock. No matter if one is fast and the other is slow, it is important to stay connected.... and be happy to meet whenever possible!!

16.11.2021 / Tuesday
Forgiveness is not about accepting or excusing the behavior of the persons who hurt you. It’s about letting it go and preventing their behavior from destroying your heart and your life.

15.11.2021 / Monday
"Shakespeare said: New friends may be poems but old friends are alphabets. Do not forget the alphabets because you will need them to read the poems." 

14.11.2021 / Sunday
One small daily dose of kindness can soothe the mind, heal the heart and strengthen the soul. Please practise  kindness!!

13.11.2021 / Saturday
Remember that we are not rewarded for what we receive from others. Rather, we are honoured for what we give to others. Render help to the deserving selflessly, whenever possible !!

12.11.2021 / Friday
Learn from the flow of Water!  Adjust yourself in every situation and  in any shape. Most importantly, find your own way to flow. You will be a winner!!

11.11.2021 / Thursday
You may not always end up where you thought you were going. Continue further with earnestness. You will surely end up where YOU ARE MEANT TO BE!!

10.11.2021 / Wednesday
LISTEN to your own voice.... to your own soul. These days too many people listen to the noise of the world, insted of their own inner voice. Trust yourself!!

09.11.2021 / Tuesday
We earn half of our sorrows by expecting good things from wrong people. And the other half we earn by detecting wrong things in good people. Enjoy your day now, life is not a rehearsal.

08.11.2021 / Monday
Life is about being happy and taking everything as it comes. Smile, think positive, always tell the truth and have Faith in God. Struggles are part of success.

07.11.2021 / Sunday
Those who judge in haste will never understand the matter.... and those who understand the matter, will never judge! Good Luck!  

06.11.2021 / Saturday
If you think positively, sound becomes music, movement becomes dance, smile becomes laughter, mind becomes meditation and life becomes a celebration. Think Positively!!

05.11.2021 / Friday
There is ALWAYS another chance for everything in life! However, there is NO CHANCE of Another Life! So dream of doing something..... mean it, try it,  live it and love it!

04.11.2021 / Thursday
Your Life is better when you understand how to keep a good Balance. Be kind, but do not let people abuse you.Trust people, but do not be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself!! LIVE your Life!

03.11.2021 / Wednesday
Here is a simple formula for a happy Life! Never try to defeat 'Anyone'.... Just try to win 'Everyone'. Don't laugh AT Anyone, But laugh 'WITH' Everyone!! Life is beautiful!

02.11.2021 / Tuesday
Our entire situation can change upwards quickly when we acknowledge that there's more positivity inside each of us. We have to be brave enough to demand more of ourselves and bring the sleeping qualities out!

1.11.2021 / Monday
Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The Best is yet to come! Stay focused, Stay Humble, Stay Blessed!!!


1 comment:

shuba said...

Bringing cheer, smile, positivity is a great idea. Keep it up and ofcourse ENJOY.