Friday, December 30, 2022

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - August 2022


One thought-provoking PTP share per day makes a big difference to many. The words make people sit back, think, ponder and follow the same way to getting positive feelings in their daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - August 2022

PTP- August 2022

31.08.2022 / Wednesday

The sweetest time of the day is when you pray.... Because you are quietly connecting with the One who loves you the most!

30.08.2022 / Tuesday

Enjoy the Little Things in life now, like little happiness, little achievement, little assistance received etc. The result is that one day, you may look back and realise that they were the Big Things!

29.08.2022 / Monday
Never stop doing your best, just because someone does not give you credit. Understand that your personal satisfaction in doing the deed is much higher than the opinions of others.

28.08.2022 / Sunday

The secret of living well and longer is: eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure. - (Tibetan Proverb)

27.08.2022 / Saturday
Health does not always come from medicine. Most of the time it comes from peace of mind, peace in the heart, peace of soul. It comes from positive thoughts, laughter and love. 

26.08.2022 / Friday
Doubt and Faith are both status of mind. Doubt creates darkest moments in your finest hour, while Faith creates finest moments in your darkest hour. Have Faith always.

25.08.2022 / Thursday
Please do not base your decisions on the advice of those who who do not have to deal with the results! Think logically, practically and make decisions yourself!

24.08.2022 / Wednesday
When your life changes to be harder, you need to change yourself to become stronger. Be strong in thoughts, words and deeds!

23.08.2022 / Tuesday
If we realise Our Capacities, we become Smart, If we know Our Weaknesses, We become Intelligent. If we know both, We can be Successful ! Let us never Under or Over estimate Ourselves !

22.08.2022 / Monday
What we receive is Information. What we preserve is Knowledge. What we use is Intelligence. But the decision to how, what and when to use these..., is our Wisdom.

21.08.2022 / Sunday

First Rule of mental health : Learn to distinguish who deserves an explanation, who deserves  only one answer  and who deserves absolutely nothing.

20.08.2022 / Saturday
Some battles have to be fought alone. Some paths have to be crossed alone. So never be emotionally too attached with anyone. You never know when you have to walk alone.

19.08.2022 / Friday
When you know who is behind you as a big support, the fear of what is in front disappears!  As long as you know God is there for you, who is against you does not matter any more!

18.08.2022 / Thursday
The valuables we carry may impress others for a short while. But the values we carry will inspire others always!

17.08.2022 / Wednesday
Please be thankful to those who leave you at the  time of distress...because they teach  you to face the situation boldly and alone!

16.08.2022 / Tuesday
The lucky ones 'identify' a good opportunity in front of them. The brilliant ones 'create' an opportunity in any situation. The winner 'uses' the opportunity in a  positive and fruitful way!

15.08.2022 / Monday
Freedom is something we need to fight for. Our ancestors have fought hard to earn this freedom. So, let's celebrate our freedom. Never let go of it and always carry it within our hearts. Happy Independence Day!

14.08.2022 /  Sunday
We are here to love and not to hate, to heal and not to hurt, to create and not to destroy.

13.08.2022 / Saturday
Do good things, whether others notice or not. It is the deeds that matter, not the size of the audience!

12.08.2022 / Friday
When people believe in us, it gives us courage & motivation. And when we believe in ourself, it gives us persistence, determination &  infinite energy...Believe in yourself.

11.08.2022 / Thursday
Every little smile can touch somebody's heart. No one is born happy, but all of us are born with the ability to create happiness.

10.08.2022 / Wednesday
If you do not experience darkness, you cannot realise the real value of light! Similarly, Life is fill of ups and downs. Learn from 'downs' and enjoy the 'ups'!!

09.08.2022 / Tuesday
Excuses make today easy, but they make tomorrow hard. Discipline makes today hard, but it makes tomorrow easy.

08.08.2022 / Monday

Life has so many great options.  However,  you do not have to  always pick what seems to be the best. Just choose whatever makes you really happy. It will turn out to be the Best for you.

07.08.2022 / Sunday
Friendship is not about who you've known the longest. It is about who walked into your life, said, "I am here for you" ... and proved it! 

06.08.2022 / Saturday
When you have more than you need, build a longer table - for more takers.... NOT a higher fence!

05.08.2022 / Friday
Inner Peace is your richest treasure. Do not let anything or anyone take it away from you.

04.08.2022 / Thursday
Everything  you need is already inside you. Do not wait for others to light your fire. Kindle it with your own matches!

03.08.2022  / Wednesday
"Darkness cannot drive away darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive away hate; only love can do that."

02.08.2022 / Tuesday
If you have persistence, perseverance and patience, your possibility of success is very high! Please cultivate these qualities.

01.08.2022 / Monday
Confidence doesnt come when you have all the answers. But it comes when you are ready to face all the questions.


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