Friday, December 30, 2022

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - July 2022


One thought-provoking PTP share per day makes a big difference to many. The words make people sit back, think, ponder and follow the same way to getting positive feelings in their daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - July 2022

PTP- July 2022

31.07.2022 / Sunday
One thing to learn from life is that getting UPSET will never sort out any issue. But getting 'UP' to 'SET' the things right will help a lot in life!

30.07.2022 / Saturday
A successful team is a group of many hands, but of one mind. Understand the team-spirit and act accordingly.

29.07.2022 / Friday
Do not dream about a beautiful spoils your duty. Dream about your duty. It makes your life beautiful!!

28.07.2022 / Thursday
You must be big enough to know your mistakes, small enough to learn from them and strong enough to correct them. - Jon C Maxwell.

27.07.2022 / Wednesday
Respect is the most important element of your personality. It is like an investment. Whatever you give to others, it will return to you with profit!

26.07.2022 / Tuesday
The more balanced you are with yourself, the more difficult it is for others to disturb you!

25.07.2022 / Monday
When a seed is planted, it grows with no sound.  However, when a tree is cut, it falls with a huge noise. Destruction has noise but creation is quiet. This is the power of silence... Grow silently.

24.07.2022 / Sunday
Strength grows when we dare.
Unity grows when we pair.
Love grows when we share.
Relationships grow when we care!

23.07.2022 / Saturday

The real education is our attitude and behaviour with others. It defines our entire personality, no matter how qualified we are.

22.07.2022 / Friday
When your mind is weak, you will find the situation as a problem. When your mind is steady, the situation will seem to be a challenge. When your mind is strong, then any situation will seem to be an opportunity!! 

21.07.2022 / Thursday
Courage is what makes you stand up and speak. Courage is also what makes you want to sit down and listen!  Choose wisely!

20.07.2022 / Wednesday
Do not feel bad if people remember you only when they need you. Feel privileged that you are like a candle that comes to their mind when there is darkness!!

19.07.2022 / Tuesday
Relation is a bond between persons who may not be equal in  qualification, talent, money or age. But equal in their commitment to understand each other.

18.07.2022 / Monday
Life is short! Take time to celebrate and appreciate the AMAZING people in your life. It is not WHAT we have in life, but WHO we have in our life that matters.

17.07.2022 / Sunday
It is easier to become successful if you try to forget the problems that you faced in life. However, always remember the lessons those problems taught you!   

16.07.2022 / Saturday
Life is like a camera! Focus on what is important, Capture the good times, Develop out of the negatives, and if things do not work out, Take Another Shot! 

15.07.2022 / Friday
Faith and Prayer...both are invisible. However they make impossible things possible in our Life. So continue to pray and never lose faith.

14.07.2022 / Thursday
The most beautiful people are those who bring out the happiness, calmness, courage and beauty in others! 

13.07.2022 / Wednesday
"Arguing with stupid people is like killing the mosquito on your cheek. You might or might not kill it, but you'll end up slapping yourself."

12.07.2022 / Tuesday
The obstacles of  life are all the same... But the way you deal with them makes a difference.

11.07.2022 / Monday
Words are under your control until you speak them. But you come under their control once you have spoken to them. Mind what you say!!

10.07.2022 / Sunday
God balances our lives by giving us enough blessings to keep us happy, enough burdens to keep us humble and enough hardships to keep us strong!!

09.07.2022 / Saturday
We do not talk about trees getting 'older!'. We say they are 'growing!'. Let us use the same term for ourselves, we are not getting older, we are just 'growing'!!

08.07.2022 / Friday
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

07.07.2023 / Thursday
The Sun is a daily reminder that we too can rise again from darkness.... AND we too can shine our own light!! 

06.07.2022 / Wednesday
Attitude matters. Do not say 'No one likes me'. Just say, 'There is no one like me'. You will FEEL the change!

05.07.2022 / Tuesday
Two words that can change the way we approach our life. 'Can I?' or 'I Can'. Think and choose the right option and create a difference in your life!

04.07.2022 / Monday
Caring for someone is easy. But to make someone care for you is difficult. So never lose the one who really cares for you.

03.07.2022 / Sunday
Success is a vehicle that moves on a wheel named Hard Work....but the Journey is Impossible without the fuel named Self-confidence.

02.07.2022 / Saturday
Notice the people who are happy for your happiness and sad for your sadness. They are the ones who deserve a special place in your heart.

01.07.2022 / Friday

Excuses make today easy, but they make tomorrow hard. Discipline makes today hard, but it makes all tomorrows easy!


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