Friday, July 5, 2024

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) June 2024


One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) June 2024

30.06.2024 / Sunday
_Overconfidence is the mother of all biases. Surrender your ego from time to time. Ego is fine when it is working favourably in motivating you._
सुप्रभातं शुभ रविवासरश्च।
29.06.2024 / Saturday
When Nothing is certain, Everything is possible! Think of the possibilities!
सुप्रभातं शुभ शनिवासरश्च। 
28.06.2024 / Friday
_Never stop doing  good things, however little, for others. Sometimes those little things might make  the biggest positive change in their lives._
सुप्रभातं शुभ शुक्रवासरश्च।
27.06.2024 / Thursday
_Nothing binds you except your Thoughts. Nothing limits you except your Fear. Nothing controls you except your Beliefs. Understand that EVERYTHING is within YOU._
सुप्रभातं शुभ गुरुवासरश्च।
26.06.2024 / Wednesday
_Your Life's Journey can change without your permission. However, it is your Attitude towards the change that will determine your Ride._
शुभोदयं शुभ बुधवासरश्च।
25.06.2024 / Tuesday
_Be slow in choosing a good person. And be  much slower while loosing them. Because,  a  relationship is not an is a sweet responsibility!!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ मङ्गलवासरश्च। 
24.06.2024 / Monday
_Confidence is not thinking you are better than anyone else. It is  realizing that you have no reason to compare yourself to anyone else._
सुप्रभातं शुभ सोमवासरश्च।
23.06.2024 / Sunday
_Please do not compare yourself with Others. Just compare your today with your yesterday. If there is an improvement, THAT is your achievement!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ रविवासरश्च।
22.06.2024 / Saturday
_There are three things you can learn from and move forward.....  a Win or a Book or a Defeat._
सुप्रभातं शुभ शनिवासरश्च। 
21.06.2024 / Friday
_The ability to smile on the outside even  when you feel wretched inside is called absolute strength._
सुप्रभातं शुभ शुक्रवासरश्च।
20.06.2024 / Thursday
_Your Life does not get better by chance.... it gets better by change!! To move forward in Life, make/accept changes!!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ गुरुवासरश्च।
19.06.2024 / Wednesday
_Worry never steals the sadness of tomorrow. It only takes away the joy of today._
शुभोदयं शुभ बुधवासरश्च।
18.06.2024 / Tuesday
_Mobile has taught us three things._
_1.Whatever makes you happy  -- save it._
_2.Whatever makes others happy -- forward it._
_3.Whatever makes no one happy -- Delete it._
_It is worth practising these in your life._
सुप्रभातं शुभ मङ्गलवासरश्च। 
17.06.2024 / Monday
_If they respect you, respect them. If they disrespect you,  still respect them. Do not allow the actions of others to decrease your manners, because you represent yourself._
सुप्रभातं शुभ सोमवासरश्च।
16.06.2024 / Sunday
_The most difficult task is to make everyone happy. The simplest task is to be happy with everyone._
सुप्रभातं शुभ रविवासरश्च।
15.06.2024 / Saturday
_Who is ahead of us or who is behind us should not be so important in our life. What truly matters in life is who is WITH us._
सुप्रभातं शुभ शनिवासरश्च।
14.06.2024 / Friday
_To be Successful in life,  please use this amazing formula.... 'Stop thinking in terms of Limitations and Start thinking in terms of Possibilities!'_
सुप्रभातं शुभ शुक्रवासरश्च।
13.06.2024 / Thursday
_The price of discipline is always less than the cost of regret. Self discipline is the biggest investment for success in life,_
सुप्रभातं शुभ गुरुवासरश्च।
12.06.2024 / Wednesday
_The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, because when you give your  time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back._
शुभोदयं शुभ बुधवासरश्च।
11.06.2024 / Tuesday
_Please do not ever stop improving yourself just because someone said that you are not good enough. Always remember that the value of your life never decreases because of  opinions of others about you._
सुप्रभातं शुभ मङ्गलवासरश्च। 
10.06.2024 / Monday
_Thousands of great ideas can’t make you successful, but better execution of just one idea can change your life._
सुप्रभातं शुभ सोमवासरश्च।
09.06.2024 / Sunday
_Decide what is yours to hold, and let the rest go. Oftentimes, the good things in your life are lighter anyway. - Taylor Swift, Musician._
सुप्रभातं शुभ रविवासरश्च।
08.06.2024 / Saturday
_Never be too proudy. Never be too bossy. Always remember that you live on a planet that has Gravity. What goes up will definitely come down!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ शनिवासरश्च। 
07.06.2024 / Friday
_The people whose first instinct is to smile when you make eye contact with them, are the earth's greatest treasures. Take care of your treasures and keep smiling too!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ शुक्रवासरश्च।
06.06.2024 / Thursday
_Never blame anyone in your life. Good people give you happiness. Bad people give you experience. Worst people give you a lesson & Best people give you memories._
सुप्रभातं शुभ गुरुवासरश्च।
05.06.2024 / Wednesday
_Do not count what you have lost, acknowledge what you have now. Please understand this....Past never comes back.  Present is significant. And if you work towards it now,  Future can give you back much more than what you lost._
शुभोदयं शुभ बुधवासरश्च।
04.06.2024 / Tuesday
_Be like Salt! No one can overuse you, nor, do without you. And you always add flavour to who you are with!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ मङ्गलवासरश्च।
03.06.2024 / Monday
_When the goal in front of you becomes more powerful than the challenges behind you, you will always WIN!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ सोमवासरश्च।
02.06.2024 / Sunday
_Having a problem is not a reason to give up, but a challenge to improve ourselves. It is not an excuse to back out, but should be taken as an inspiration to move forward._
सुप्रभातं शुभ रविवासरश्च।
_If you fail to achieve your dreams and  goals in life, change your Ways to achieve it but not your Principles. To become big, trees always change their Leaves, and NOT  their  Roots._
सुप्रभातं शुभ शनिवासरश्च। 
*Happy New Month*

We have stepped into the 6th month of the year 2024. June month is synonymous to the end of extreme heat and beginning of rain in Bharat. Kids will have new uniforms and books as they go to the upper grade. Youth will get their important academic results and make decisions about their future. Enjoy this month with good health and happiness!!

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