Thursday, July 4, 2024

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - March 2024


One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) March 2024

31.03.2024 / Sunday
_We  must be BIG enough to admit our mistakes, SMART enough to learn from them, and STRONG enough to correct them._
30.03.2024 / Saturday
_The spirit of life is a radiant force within us, urging us to embrace every moment with courage, gratitude, and boundless enthusiasm. Kindly acknowledge this spirit!_
29.03.2024 / Friday
_The only impossible journey is the one,  which you never begin._
28.03.2024 / Thursday 
_Confidence does not come when you have all the answers. It comes when you are ready to face all the questions._
27.03.2024 / Wednesday
_Never put the key to YOUR happiness in someone else' s pocket. Let others not decide your happiness. Only you should   be able to handle it!_
26.03.2024 / Tuesday
_If you understand the difference between 'more' and 'enough', you will always be happy._
25.03.2024 / Monday
_Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them._
24.03.2024 / Sunday 
_If you are not finding time for your Fitness today,  then you are saving that time for Sickness tomorrow! Be practical, stay active, stay fit.... today!_
23.03.2024 / Saturday 
_Whatever life gives you, even if it hurts,  just be strong and act like you are okay. Strong walls might shake a bit, but never collapse._
22.03.2024 / Friday
_Truth is like a debit card.... pay first and enjoy later. A Lie is like a credit card....enjoy first but pay later!_
21.03.2024 / Thursday
_A fool becomes an intellectual, when he understands that he is a fool. A genius becomes a fool when he shows that he is proud of being a genius. Do not show off!_
20.03.2024 / Wednesday
_Our prayer and our trust in God are both invisible...but these two have so much strength to make the impossible, possible!_
19.03.2024 / Tuesday
_What we receive is information. What we perceive is knowledge. What we use is intelligence. But what, when and how we use it..... is our wisdom!_
18.03.2024 / Monday
_Handle your words and hearts with care..... because words when spoken, and hearts when broken, are the hardest things to repair._
17.03.2024 / Sunday
_Less requirements and more adjustments are the two wonderful steps for a happy and successful life!_
16.03.2024 / Saturday
_If you have a strong purpose in life, you do not have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there. Be passionate yet patient._
15.03.2024 / Friday
_When you least expect it, something great will come along. Something better than you ever planned for. So, be smart. Stay focused._
14.03.2024 / Thursday.
_Discipline is the bridge  between who you are, and who you want to become! Be disciplined in thoughts, words and deeds._
13.03.2024 / Wednesday
_Inspiration does exist. But it must find you serious, passionate and working!_
12.03.2024 / Tuesday
_Life is  a collection of moments....some happy, some sad, and some unforgettable. Enjoy the happiness, learn from sadness and cherish the unforgettable!_
11.03.2024 / Monday
_To be calm and relaxed in every situation is the greatest power in the world._
10.03.2024 / Sunday
_Our looks can gain only temporary attractíon. But our speech can win hearts forever. Win the world with your speech!_
09.03.2024 / Saturday
_In life, some failures are essential. Repeated success can make a person arrogant. Occasional failures or set-backs  are required for a person to have a balanced thinking._
08.03.2024 / Friday
_Do not get upset with people or situations.... as both are powerless without your reaction._
07.03.2024 / Thursday 
_If you live with expectations, happiness will leave you. If you leave expectations, happiness will live with you._ 
06.03.2024 / Wednesday
_For achieving success, know more than others, work more than others, and expect less than others._
05.03.2024 / Tuesday
_As long as you are locked up in your own logic, the Magic of Life will never reveal itself to you. So step out and face life head-on!_
04.03.2024 / Monday
_Happiness  is not something  you postpone for the future. It is something you design  for the  present._
03.03.2024 / Sunday
_The ability to observe without judgement is the highest form of intelligence._
02.03.2024 / Saturday
_Change is never painful. Only the resistance to change is painful._
01.03.2024 / Friday
_Small but an excellent thought.... Open your 'Eye' and close your 'I'_
*Happy New Month*

The month of March 2024 has marched into our life with a bang! This is a very crucial month for all. Think of your finances, check your taxes, do your (financial) year-end activities with care! Summer has set in too. Help with the exams and vacation of students in the family! Let us briskly march into March!


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