Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) July 2024

 One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) July 2024

Jai Sree Ram 
*Shama's Points to Ponder (PTP)*
31.07.2024 / Wednesday
_Relationships are insurance policies against loneliness and difficulties. They need to be renewed with regular premium paid by communication, feelings, love and care to keep them active.Otherwise they will lapse._
30.07.2024 / Tuesday
_There is really no such thing as the voiceless. The voices are only deliberately silenced or preferably unheard. See that you are not in that category. Be heard._
29.07.2024 / Monday
_The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, because when you give your  time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back._
28.07.2024 / Sunday
_Our book of life has no 2nd edition for a future correction.  It has only this 1 edition which should be the Best for us. Hence, let us be careful about what we write on every page._
27.07.2024 / Saturday
_Sometimes you need to step outside, get some fresh air .... and remind yourself of
who you are and who you want to be._
26.07.2024 / Friday
_Your feelings depend not on What you see, but on How you see it. What you see is your Destiny..... and  How you see it is your Attitude._
25.07.2024 / Thursday
_Strong minds suffer without complaining (looking for a solution), and Weak minds complain without suffering (imagining about a problem)._
24.07.2024 / Wednesday
_Please do not be afraid of losing people. Be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone around you._
23.07.2024 / Tuesday
_Your two most powerful Warriors are Patience and Time. Have Patience in any situation; and understand the value of Time, always!_
22.07.2024 / Monday
_Use your Smile to change the World.. But
do not allow the World to change your Smile! Keep Smiling._
21.07.2024 / Sunday
Life is not a Rehearsal. Each day is a New Show, No Repeat, No Rewind, No Retake.
So give your best shot in all your acts. And make your life, a happy one.
20.07.2024 / Saturday
_Opinions are like hand watches. Everyone's watch shows different timing... But each one believes that his/her time is correct. Be rational!!_
19.07.2024 / Friday
_Please try and forgive people who hurt you... Otherwise  they are bound to occupy a rent-free space in your mind, and also be a burden there!_
18.07.2024 / Thursday
_Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need._
17.07.2024 / Wednesday
_You learn more from failure than from success. So do not let failure stop your thoughts and actions._
16.07.2024 / Tuesday
_Every Silence might be  a sign of Compromise. Every Smile might be  an indication of Attachment. Every Message might be a value of Remembrance. So do not ignore these signs._
_Silence is the best answer to someone who doesn't value your words._
14.07.2024 / Sunday
_One who sees opportunity in every problem is more likely to succeed than the one who sees only problems in every solution._
13.07.2024 / Saturday
_Life is not about making others happy....
Life is about sharing your happiness with
12.07.2024 / Friday
_Knowingly or unknowingly many may hurt us today or tomorrow in our life. We need to decide what is important  for us,
Pain or Person? Relation or Situation? Then react suitably._  
11.07.2024 / Thursday
_Please introspect. Listen to your heart and understand your passion. Use that as a cue to do something for the betterment of the world around you. Lead the way, so others learn from you!_
10.07.2024 / Wednesday
_A minute of patience can change a bad mood, and that one minute can save the rest of the day._
09.07.2024 / Tuesday
_Never respond unless YOUR thoughts are positively composed... YOUR worst enemy cannot harm you as much as YOUR OWN unguarded negative thoughts, spoken prematurely._
08.07.2024 / Monday
_Many times we are tested, not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths!_
07.07.2024 / Sunday
_Excuses make today easy, but they make tomorrow hard. Discipline makes today hard, but it makes tomorrow easy._
06.07.2024 / Saturday
_Trust someone to that extent, that they feel guilty to cheat you. And care for someone to that extent, that they feel fear of losing you._
05.07.2024 / Friday
_Not all dreams come true. But if you have a dream, you have to give it your best shot. Then there is every chance for it to come true!_
_The greatest treasure on the earth are the people who understand and support us._
सुप्रभातं शुभ गुरुवासरश्च। मङ्गलं भवतु।
03.07.2024 / Wednesday
_You are free to choose. But you are not free from the consequences of your choice. So choose wisely.
02.07.2024 / Tuesday
_Making a friend is an act of grace. Having a friend is a gift. Keeping a friend is a virtue. Being a friend is an honour!_
01.07.2024 / Monday
_Truth is like a surgery, It hurts, but cures!
Lie is like a pain killer,  It gives instant relief but has side effects later!!
*Happy New Month*
01.07.2024 / Monday
July month has quietly stepped in, leaving behind half the year of 2024!  It is time to look back and find the status of your New Year resolutions! How was the progress during the past half-year? Good Luck, Enjoy the new month!
- Shama

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