Thursday, July 4, 2024

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - January 2024


One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - January 2024

31.01.2024 / Wednesday
_Millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts, then forget where they hid them. Do good and forget. It will show results some day._
30.01.2024 / Tuesday
_To be reborn, it is not always necessary that the body is sacrificed. Many times, even a change in the thought process can bring about a positive transformation in the person._
29.01.2024 / Monday
_A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we start talking TO each other instead of talking ABOUT each other._
28.01.2024 / Sunday
_The quality of your life is determined by how peaceful and joyful you are within yourself._
27.01.2024 / Saturday
_It doesn't matter how many resources you have. If you do not know how to use them, it will never be enough...._
26.01.2024 / Friday
_Life is like a ball....the deeper we fall,  the higher we bounce. So when we feel we are at the lowest,  please remember that we are about to bounce higher than before._
25.01.2024 / Thursday
_Life has its own way of balancing  between the things you desire and the things you deserve. - Hafsa Quadri_
24.01.2024 / Wednesday
_When everything seems to be going against you, stop for a second. And remember that the aeroplane takes off against the wind, not with it._
23.01.2024 / Tuesday
_Life is so ironic. It takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence, and absence to value presence._
22.01.2024 / Monday
_Being Perfect is not in your hands. You can try, and still not become perfect. But being Good is in your hands.  Understand that, if you try,  you always have the capacity to  be good._
21.01.2024 / Sunday

Kindness does not cost a thing. Yet it is the richest gift you can give anyone.

20.01.2024 / Saturday
_Working hard for something we do not care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.


19.01.2024 /Friday

_True persons and well wishers in our life are like the stars that shine constantly. But
we often fail to see them till the dark hours come into our lives._
18.01.2024 / Thursday
_Valuables you carry may impress others..... but values you hold will inspire others._
17.01.2024 / Wednesday
_Whatever happens, we have to overcome issues. Either we struggle to run OR  carry it on lightly and move on. It is all upto us. Self-knowledge is a huge blessing.
16.01.2024 / Tuesday
_Silence is the best answer to someone who does not value your words._
15.01.2024 / Monday
_Always do your best. What you plant now will harvest later._
14.01.2024 / Sunday
_Every challenge in life has an objective and every pain carries a meaning. Remember that life’s trials are not to run you down but to exhort you to grow up._
13.01.2024 / Saturday
_Result of Anger is more painful than the Reason of Anger. Most of the time it ends in bitterness. Remember these words before you react!_
12.01.2024 / Friday
_One smile can start a friendship, one word can end a fight, one look can save a relationship and one person can change your life!_
11.01.2024 / Thursday
_Respect is the most important element of our personality. It is like an investment. Whatever we give to others, it is returned to us with profit._
10.01 2024 / Wednesday
_One of the ways to succeed in this world is to act on the advice you give to others._
09.01.2024 / Tuesday
_When problems are so big and your strength is no longer enough to carry them, do not give up !…Because, where your strength ends, the grace of GOD begins._
08.01.2024 / Monday
_If you have anger,  you do not require an enemy. Anger itself is your first enemy. If you have knowledge, you do not require wealth. Knowledge itself is wealth and also ia source of wealth._
07.01.2024 / Sunday
_Express yourself to someone who cares for you, not to those who need you.... Because care is a personal commitment, while need is a personal requirement._
06.01.2024 / Saturday
_Where there is struggle, there is a story.  Where there is belief, there are miracles. And where there is truth, there is victory!_
05.01.2024 / Friday
_Feel good when someone misses you. Feel better when someone loves you. But feel best when someone never forgets you._
04.01.2024 / Thursday
_Time does not change people....Time reveals the real face of people._
03.01.2024 / Wednesday
_Let yourself grow between the cracks.... like a wildflower between pavement.  Think out of the box, and bloom where you never thought you could._
02.01.2024 / Tuesday
Forgiveness  is the best form of love.
It takes a strong person to say sorry  and an even stronger person  to forgive.
01.01.2024 / Monday
_When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and some build windmills. It is only up to you to utilise the situation. So make the right choice!_
*Happy New Year 2024!*

So many wishes you receive
At the beginning of the year...
So what do you normally do?
You wish back all those dears!

You pray for their health..
Happiness and peace
And the first day passes by
Wishing back n forth with ease.

That's not enough, you see
As the new year usually brings
A page filled with what you can do
Till the year-end bell rings!

It has actions, emotions, happiness
Some downs too, to take your pick
You might think, " is this serious?
Or is this  some kind of trick?"

Choose wisely, act with a goal
Be your own master
You have a year to go by
Which will also move faster

Make resolutions for health
Become healthy  and fit
Be kind and helpful to others
With this, you will mentally benefit

Be more confident n cheerful
Enjoying life very well
Be alert against cheaters
In nook and corners they dwell

You carve each day yourself
And paint them with pleasant hues
Of smiles, kindness, lending hands
Bonding in many ways, not few.

Each day will be fresh and nice
Look forward to the same
The year 2024 will bring you cheer
Happiness, name and fame!!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan


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