Thursday, July 4, 2024

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) May 2024


One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) May 2024

31.05.2024 / Friday
_Many in this world are afraid to speak the TRUTH. This is because they are afraid to face the consequences after TRUTH is spoken._
30.05 2024 / Thursday
_Always keep hoping for the Best!  A famous japanese thought says: " Keep a green tree in your heart, the birds will automatically come."_
29.05.2024 / Wednesday
_In your life's journey, you may find someone biased,  opinionated or judgmental. Do not change your path. Ignore them and proceed.... as you have your own goals to reach._
28.05.2024 / Tuesday
_You have got to learn to leave the table, when respect and love is no longer served._
27.05.2024 / Monday
_Forgiveness is a strange medicine. If you give it to others, it heals the wounds in your heart_

26.05.2024 / Sunday
_Good relationship is like a sugarcane! Break it, crush it, squeeze it, beat it  or even grind it, still you will get only sweetness!_


25.05.2024 / Saturday
_Successful relations do not just depend on how good an understanding we have. It also  depends on how nicely we handle the misunderstanding._
24.05.2024 / Friday
_Luxury & lies have huge maintenance costs. BUT simplicity and truth are self maintained, without any cost. Be simple and truthful._
23.05.2024 / Thursday
_Life teaches us the art of letting go in every event. The more we  learn to let go, the happier we become. And as we start being joyful, more will be bestowed on us._
22.05.2024 / Wednesday
_There is no enemy outside our soul. The real enemies live inside us. They are Anger, Pride, Greed & Hate. If  you can manage to control them, you can enjoy a very peaceful life._
21.05.2024 / Tuesday
_You cannot change what has already happened. So do not waste your time fretting over it. Move on... Learn from the past and continue with your next step in life._

20.05.2024 / Monday
Responsibilities are fruitful when taken up with seriousness, and aimed for good results! Hope you had a peaceful Monday. Hope you did your national duty by casting your valuable  vote for the bright future of Bharat. This is our Right and our Duty for our country.  Jai Hind. Jai Bharat!
Hope you had a good day.
_It is not because things are difficult that we don’t dare.... it is because we don’t dare, that they seem difficult._
18.05.2024 / Saturday
_If success makes you arrogant, you have not really succeeded. If failure makes you determined, you have not really failed!!_  
17.05.2024 / Friday
_Running away and giving up will not solve your problems. It will still be glaringly present. Instead, understand and analyse the situation, introspect and allow the problem to ease out._
16.05.2024 / Thursday
_When you learn a little, you feel you know a lot. But, when you learn a lot, you realise how little you know._
15.05.2024 / Wednesday
_Talent and looks are God given. Be thankful. Attitude and ego are self created. Be careful._
14.05.2024 / Tuesday
_Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you, but to help you realise your hidden potential and power. Let difficulties know that you too are difficult._
13.05.2024 / Monday
_Thousands of candles can be lit by using a single candle. Share your happiness by spreading it to others.._
12.05.2024 / Sunday
_Be the person  who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and who can grow brave by reflection._
11.05.2024 / Saturday
_When you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change your feelings.... because it is your mind that gets angry
but your heart still cares._
10.05.2024 / Friday
_If you try to improve your outside world without improving your inside world, it will not work.  If you want to get fruits, you must water the roots._
09.05.2024 / Thursday
_Your beliefs do not make you a better person, your behaviour does! You are always responsible for your actions,  no matter how you feel!_
08.05.2024 / Wednesday
__Life is a drawing board on which you draw without an erasor. Progress carefully. Otherwise you might lose your precious page!_
07.05.2024 / Tuesday
_Always be ready to survive alone. Some people suddenly change. Today you are important to them. Tomorrow you might be nothing to them. And that is life._
06.05.2024 / Monday
_Overthinking is the art of creating problems that do not exist. Stop using your energy to worry. Use your energy to believe, create, love, heal & grow._
05.05.2024 / Sunday
_Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. it will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you._
04.05.2024 / Saturday
_A peaceful mind can think better than an exhausted mind. Allow a few minutes of silence into your mind everyday, and see how positively your life gets shaped._
03.05.2024 / Friday
_A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes, while everyone else believes the smile on your face._
02.05.2024 / Thursday
_If someone treats you like an option, leave them like a choice._
01.05.2024 / Wednesday
_No one in this world is perfect. If you avoid people for their mistakes, you will be left alone.  So judge less and love more._
*Happy New Month*
1st May, 2024

The 5th month of the year, May 2024, has opened its doors for us. Heat is terrible, so taking care of one's health should be your priority. Let the month bring good health and peace to all. Enjoy May!
- Shama 


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