Thursday, July 4, 2024

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - February 2024


One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - February 2024

29.02.2024 / Thursday
_You glow brighter when you have good people around you and good intentions within you! _
28.02.2024 / Wednesday
_Doing what you like is freedom. But liking what you do is happiness!! Enjoy both!!_
27.02.2024 / Tuesday
_Seek your happiness in yourself. Relying on others for your happiness makes you  a slave._
26.02.2024 / Monday
_The best part of your life is when your family supports you as a friend and your friend supports you as a family._
25.02.2024 / Sunday
_Life is like a Parade. At the shout of 'About Turn', the last person becomes the first! Never feel inferior or superior. We do not know when life will take an 'About Turn'._
24.02.2024 / Saturday
_Winning your goal is surely a tough victory. However, winning your patience to achieve that goal is the toughest one...._
23.02.2024 / Friday
_Think good thoughts, say nice words, do good for others. Everything comes back in the long run._
22.02.2024 / Thursday
_It is good to celebrate success....but more important is to learn from failure._
21.02.2024 / Wednesday
_Disappointment is just the distance between expectation and reality.  You either expect less, accept  the reality and become less disappointed. OR you expect a lot, believe it is real and get disappointed! It is your choice!_
_We can save many relations if we understand the simple fact that people are not difficult but, they are different!_
19.02.2024 / Monday
_While life is learnt from the past,  life is lived looking forward._
18.02.2024 /  Sunday
_Perfection means doing the best. But Confidence means knowing how to handle the worst.…!_
17.02.2024 / Saturday
_A little less Ego and more Understanding, a little less Argument and more Compromise, a little less Expectation and more Love.... these will keep Relations bonded forever!_
16.02.2024 / Friday
_Maturity is not when we start speaking big things. It is when we start understanding small things._
15.02.2024 / Thursday
_Once the rain umbrella becomes a burden. That is how many times loyalty ends...when benefits stop!_
14.02.2024 / Wednesday
Our watches may show slightly  different time from each other. But each of us believe  that our time is correct. Same with our Opinions. Opinions may differ from person to person... but each one believes in his/her own opinion!
13.02.2024 / Tuesday
_Not everything will go as you expect in your life. This is why you need to drop your expectations and go with the flow of life._
12.02.2024 / Monday
_Every single event in your life, especially the difficult ones, have taught you to be stronger, smarter and wiser than you were yesterday. Be thankful for the same._
11.02.2023 / Sunday
_In the end, only three things matter:...How much you loved all, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you. Nothing else matters._
10.02.2024 / Saturday
_Every little smile can touch somebody's heart. No one is born happy, but all of us are born with the ability to create happiness.Never hesitate in doing so!_
09.02.2024 / Friday
_Please do not set aside your happiness. Do not wait to be happy in the future. The best time to be happy is always now!_
08.02.2024 / Thursday
_Great thoughts touch only thoughtful minds, but great actions touch all._
07.02.2024 / Wednesday
_The kindest thing you can do for someone else is to listen fully without forming an opinion._
06.02.2024 / Tuesday
_The pain you feel today might be the root for the strength you feel tomorrow.  Behind every challenge you encounter,  there is an opportunity for your growth. You have to identify and put it to use._
05.02.2024 / Monday
_Luxury and lies have huge maintenance costs, while truth and simplicity are self maintained without any costs! Better to choose the latter._
04.02.2024 / Sunday
_Your tongue performs two functions..... tasting and talking. You can remain quite healthy if you control these two activities!!
03.02.2024 / Saturday
_Even the most positive people have negative thoughts. The secret is not To Feed Them_
02.02.2024 / Friday
_If they respect you, respect them. If they disrespect you,  still respect them. Please do not allow the actions of others to decrease your manners, because you represent yourself!_
_Life is just like potter's clay...... It gets shaped by our own hands. Shape yours well!_
*Happy New Month!*

Time flies....So soon we have left January behind and have entered February 2024! Many positive changes are happening in Bharat and around you. Pay attention to the same, make time and get involved in them. Enjoy February ! Jai Shri Ram!

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