Friday, July 5, 2024

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) June 2024


One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) June 2024

30.06.2024 / Sunday
_Overconfidence is the mother of all biases. Surrender your ego from time to time. Ego is fine when it is working favourably in motivating you._
सुप्रभातं शुभ रविवासरश्च।
29.06.2024 / Saturday
When Nothing is certain, Everything is possible! Think of the possibilities!
सुप्रभातं शुभ शनिवासरश्च। 
28.06.2024 / Friday
_Never stop doing  good things, however little, for others. Sometimes those little things might make  the biggest positive change in their lives._
सुप्रभातं शुभ शुक्रवासरश्च।
27.06.2024 / Thursday
_Nothing binds you except your Thoughts. Nothing limits you except your Fear. Nothing controls you except your Beliefs. Understand that EVERYTHING is within YOU._
सुप्रभातं शुभ गुरुवासरश्च।
26.06.2024 / Wednesday
_Your Life's Journey can change without your permission. However, it is your Attitude towards the change that will determine your Ride._
शुभोदयं शुभ बुधवासरश्च।
25.06.2024 / Tuesday
_Be slow in choosing a good person. And be  much slower while loosing them. Because,  a  relationship is not an is a sweet responsibility!!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ मङ्गलवासरश्च। 
24.06.2024 / Monday
_Confidence is not thinking you are better than anyone else. It is  realizing that you have no reason to compare yourself to anyone else._
सुप्रभातं शुभ सोमवासरश्च।
23.06.2024 / Sunday
_Please do not compare yourself with Others. Just compare your today with your yesterday. If there is an improvement, THAT is your achievement!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ रविवासरश्च।
22.06.2024 / Saturday
_There are three things you can learn from and move forward.....  a Win or a Book or a Defeat._
सुप्रभातं शुभ शनिवासरश्च। 
21.06.2024 / Friday
_The ability to smile on the outside even  when you feel wretched inside is called absolute strength._
सुप्रभातं शुभ शुक्रवासरश्च।
20.06.2024 / Thursday
_Your Life does not get better by chance.... it gets better by change!! To move forward in Life, make/accept changes!!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ गुरुवासरश्च।
19.06.2024 / Wednesday
_Worry never steals the sadness of tomorrow. It only takes away the joy of today._
शुभोदयं शुभ बुधवासरश्च।
18.06.2024 / Tuesday
_Mobile has taught us three things._
_1.Whatever makes you happy  -- save it._
_2.Whatever makes others happy -- forward it._
_3.Whatever makes no one happy -- Delete it._
_It is worth practising these in your life._
सुप्रभातं शुभ मङ्गलवासरश्च। 
17.06.2024 / Monday
_If they respect you, respect them. If they disrespect you,  still respect them. Do not allow the actions of others to decrease your manners, because you represent yourself._
सुप्रभातं शुभ सोमवासरश्च।
16.06.2024 / Sunday
_The most difficult task is to make everyone happy. The simplest task is to be happy with everyone._
सुप्रभातं शुभ रविवासरश्च।
15.06.2024 / Saturday
_Who is ahead of us or who is behind us should not be so important in our life. What truly matters in life is who is WITH us._
सुप्रभातं शुभ शनिवासरश्च।
14.06.2024 / Friday
_To be Successful in life,  please use this amazing formula.... 'Stop thinking in terms of Limitations and Start thinking in terms of Possibilities!'_
सुप्रभातं शुभ शुक्रवासरश्च।
13.06.2024 / Thursday
_The price of discipline is always less than the cost of regret. Self discipline is the biggest investment for success in life,_
सुप्रभातं शुभ गुरुवासरश्च।
12.06.2024 / Wednesday
_The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, because when you give your  time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back._
शुभोदयं शुभ बुधवासरश्च।
11.06.2024 / Tuesday
_Please do not ever stop improving yourself just because someone said that you are not good enough. Always remember that the value of your life never decreases because of  opinions of others about you._
सुप्रभातं शुभ मङ्गलवासरश्च। 
10.06.2024 / Monday
_Thousands of great ideas can’t make you successful, but better execution of just one idea can change your life._
सुप्रभातं शुभ सोमवासरश्च।
09.06.2024 / Sunday
_Decide what is yours to hold, and let the rest go. Oftentimes, the good things in your life are lighter anyway. - Taylor Swift, Musician._
सुप्रभातं शुभ रविवासरश्च।
08.06.2024 / Saturday
_Never be too proudy. Never be too bossy. Always remember that you live on a planet that has Gravity. What goes up will definitely come down!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ शनिवासरश्च। 
07.06.2024 / Friday
_The people whose first instinct is to smile when you make eye contact with them, are the earth's greatest treasures. Take care of your treasures and keep smiling too!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ शुक्रवासरश्च।
06.06.2024 / Thursday
_Never blame anyone in your life. Good people give you happiness. Bad people give you experience. Worst people give you a lesson & Best people give you memories._
सुप्रभातं शुभ गुरुवासरश्च।
05.06.2024 / Wednesday
_Do not count what you have lost, acknowledge what you have now. Please understand this....Past never comes back.  Present is significant. And if you work towards it now,  Future can give you back much more than what you lost._
शुभोदयं शुभ बुधवासरश्च।
04.06.2024 / Tuesday
_Be like Salt! No one can overuse you, nor, do without you. And you always add flavour to who you are with!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ मङ्गलवासरश्च।
03.06.2024 / Monday
_When the goal in front of you becomes more powerful than the challenges behind you, you will always WIN!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ सोमवासरश्च।
02.06.2024 / Sunday
_Having a problem is not a reason to give up, but a challenge to improve ourselves. It is not an excuse to back out, but should be taken as an inspiration to move forward._
सुप्रभातं शुभ रविवासरश्च।
_If you fail to achieve your dreams and  goals in life, change your Ways to achieve it but not your Principles. To become big, trees always change their Leaves, and NOT  their  Roots._
सुप्रभातं शुभ शनिवासरश्च। 
*Happy New Month*

We have stepped into the 6th month of the year 2024. June month is synonymous to the end of extreme heat and beginning of rain in Bharat. Kids will have new uniforms and books as they go to the upper grade. Youth will get their important academic results and make decisions about their future. Enjoy this month with good health and happiness!!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) May 2024


One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) May 2024

31.05.2024 / Friday
_Many in this world are afraid to speak the TRUTH. This is because they are afraid to face the consequences after TRUTH is spoken._
30.05 2024 / Thursday
_Always keep hoping for the Best!  A famous japanese thought says: " Keep a green tree in your heart, the birds will automatically come."_
29.05.2024 / Wednesday
_In your life's journey, you may find someone biased,  opinionated or judgmental. Do not change your path. Ignore them and proceed.... as you have your own goals to reach._
28.05.2024 / Tuesday
_You have got to learn to leave the table, when respect and love is no longer served._
27.05.2024 / Monday
_Forgiveness is a strange medicine. If you give it to others, it heals the wounds in your heart_

26.05.2024 / Sunday
_Good relationship is like a sugarcane! Break it, crush it, squeeze it, beat it  or even grind it, still you will get only sweetness!_


25.05.2024 / Saturday
_Successful relations do not just depend on how good an understanding we have. It also  depends on how nicely we handle the misunderstanding._
24.05.2024 / Friday
_Luxury & lies have huge maintenance costs. BUT simplicity and truth are self maintained, without any cost. Be simple and truthful._
23.05.2024 / Thursday
_Life teaches us the art of letting go in every event. The more we  learn to let go, the happier we become. And as we start being joyful, more will be bestowed on us._
22.05.2024 / Wednesday
_There is no enemy outside our soul. The real enemies live inside us. They are Anger, Pride, Greed & Hate. If  you can manage to control them, you can enjoy a very peaceful life._
21.05.2024 / Tuesday
_You cannot change what has already happened. So do not waste your time fretting over it. Move on... Learn from the past and continue with your next step in life._

20.05.2024 / Monday
Responsibilities are fruitful when taken up with seriousness, and aimed for good results! Hope you had a peaceful Monday. Hope you did your national duty by casting your valuable  vote for the bright future of Bharat. This is our Right and our Duty for our country.  Jai Hind. Jai Bharat!
Hope you had a good day.
_It is not because things are difficult that we don’t dare.... it is because we don’t dare, that they seem difficult._
18.05.2024 / Saturday
_If success makes you arrogant, you have not really succeeded. If failure makes you determined, you have not really failed!!_  
17.05.2024 / Friday
_Running away and giving up will not solve your problems. It will still be glaringly present. Instead, understand and analyse the situation, introspect and allow the problem to ease out._
16.05.2024 / Thursday
_When you learn a little, you feel you know a lot. But, when you learn a lot, you realise how little you know._
15.05.2024 / Wednesday
_Talent and looks are God given. Be thankful. Attitude and ego are self created. Be careful._
14.05.2024 / Tuesday
_Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you, but to help you realise your hidden potential and power. Let difficulties know that you too are difficult._
13.05.2024 / Monday
_Thousands of candles can be lit by using a single candle. Share your happiness by spreading it to others.._
12.05.2024 / Sunday
_Be the person  who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and who can grow brave by reflection._
11.05.2024 / Saturday
_When you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change your feelings.... because it is your mind that gets angry
but your heart still cares._
10.05.2024 / Friday
_If you try to improve your outside world without improving your inside world, it will not work.  If you want to get fruits, you must water the roots._
09.05.2024 / Thursday
_Your beliefs do not make you a better person, your behaviour does! You are always responsible for your actions,  no matter how you feel!_
08.05.2024 / Wednesday
__Life is a drawing board on which you draw without an erasor. Progress carefully. Otherwise you might lose your precious page!_
07.05.2024 / Tuesday
_Always be ready to survive alone. Some people suddenly change. Today you are important to them. Tomorrow you might be nothing to them. And that is life._
06.05.2024 / Monday
_Overthinking is the art of creating problems that do not exist. Stop using your energy to worry. Use your energy to believe, create, love, heal & grow._
05.05.2024 / Sunday
_Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. it will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you._
04.05.2024 / Saturday
_A peaceful mind can think better than an exhausted mind. Allow a few minutes of silence into your mind everyday, and see how positively your life gets shaped._
03.05.2024 / Friday
_A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes, while everyone else believes the smile on your face._
02.05.2024 / Thursday
_If someone treats you like an option, leave them like a choice._
01.05.2024 / Wednesday
_No one in this world is perfect. If you avoid people for their mistakes, you will be left alone.  So judge less and love more._
*Happy New Month*
1st May, 2024

The 5th month of the year, May 2024, has opened its doors for us. Heat is terrible, so taking care of one's health should be your priority. Let the month bring good health and peace to all. Enjoy May!
- Shama 


Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) April 2024


One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) April 2024

30.04.2024 / Tuesday
_Never go out of your way to explain to anyone your honesty or their faults. Time has its own way of revealing the truth._
29.04.2024 / Monday
_Make yourself a priority once in a while. It is not selfish. It is necessary._
28.04.2024 / Sunday
_Before You Assume, Learn The Facts. Before You Judge, Understand Why. Before You Speak, Think._
27.04.2024 / Saturday
_Calmness is a human superpower. The ability to not overreact or take things personally keeps your mind clear and your heart at peace._
26.04.2024 / Friday
_Making  memorable moments for yourself is not big enough. But being the key person in memorable moments of others is everlasting._


25.04.2024 / Thursday
_There are no secrets to success. It is the result of focus on preparation, hard work  and  learning from failure_
24.04.2024 / Wednesday
_Never take someone's feelings for granted. You never know how much courage they took to show it to you._
_Being always too good is dangerous.  Be firm.... make your stand clear once in a while,  and avoid getting hurt._
22.04.2024 / Monday
_When you do something beautiful and nobody notices, do not be sad. Because, though most people ignore it,  early morning Sun continues to be a beautiful spectacle!_
21.04.2024 / Sunday
_When you learn a little, you might feel you know a lot. But, when you learn a lot, you realise how much more you can still learn! Learning is limitless!!_
20.04.2024 / Saturday
_Nobody has it easy. Everyone has issues. Life happens. You never know what people are going through. So, pause before you start judging or mocking others. Everybody is fighting their own war._
19.04.2024 / Friday
_Always introspect before you say or act. This habit keeps you grounded and humble._
18.04.2024 / Thursday
_Be like street lamps. They cannot make our distance shorter, but they can brighten our paths and make our journey easier._
17.04.2024 / Wednesday
_With Time you can create Money.  But with Money, you cannot create Time.
Understand that Time is more valuable than Money._
16.04.2024 / Tuesday
_If you cannot find the right words for  a certain situation, just give a smile. Words may confuse...but your smile will always be a pleasant  response!!_
_Be careful who you let on your ship, because some people will sink the whole ship just because they cannot be the captain._
_Calmness is our superpower. The ability to not overreact or take things personally, or lose temper, keeps our mind clear and our heart at peace._
13.04.2024 / Saturday
_Forgiveness and kindness are languages the blind can see and the deaf can hear._
12.04.2024 / Friday
_Be down to earth. Be humble. Please understand that arrogance kills success and popularity!_
11.04.2024 / Thursday
_Never think you have nothing. Also, never think you have everything. Always think that you have something, with which you can achieve anything !!
10.04.5024 / Wednesday
_Loving those who love you is good...but can be very ordinary. That is business like, maybe even a bargain. The real love is to unconditionally love someone with no thought of reciprocation._
09.04.2024 / Tuesday
_Please understand that ultimately,  the love of family and the admiration of friends are more important than wealth and privilege._
08.04.2024 / Monday
_Please remember that people might forget what you said. People might also forget what you did for them. But people will never forget how good you made them feel._
07.04.2024 / Sunday
_We cannot enjoy a gift unless we open it. We cannot enjoy the feelings unless we express it. And, we cannot enjoy life unless we LIVE IT....!!!_
06.04.2024/ Saturday
_Simple life and peaceful mind are very close friends._
05.04.2024 / Friday
_Care is to express, not to impress. This is because when care is expressed truthfully people get impressed spontaneously._

04.04.2024 / Thursday
_Following discipline does not mean being in control. It means having the sense to do exactly what is needed._
03.04.2024 / Wednesday
_Be strong enough to walk away from what isn’t best for you, and be patient enough to wait for the blessings you deserve._
02.04.2024 / Tuesday
“Life is a maths equation. In order to gain the most, you have to know how to convert negatives into positives.”
01.04.2024 / Monday
_Before you think others should  believe in you, YOU must believe in whatever you are doing!_
*Happy New Month*

So soon we have stepped into the fourth month of the year! April 01....the beginning of the financial year! A month with many festivals and celebrations and...holidays! Enjoy April!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - March 2024


One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) March 2024

31.03.2024 / Sunday
_We  must be BIG enough to admit our mistakes, SMART enough to learn from them, and STRONG enough to correct them._
30.03.2024 / Saturday
_The spirit of life is a radiant force within us, urging us to embrace every moment with courage, gratitude, and boundless enthusiasm. Kindly acknowledge this spirit!_
29.03.2024 / Friday
_The only impossible journey is the one,  which you never begin._
28.03.2024 / Thursday 
_Confidence does not come when you have all the answers. It comes when you are ready to face all the questions._
27.03.2024 / Wednesday
_Never put the key to YOUR happiness in someone else' s pocket. Let others not decide your happiness. Only you should   be able to handle it!_
26.03.2024 / Tuesday
_If you understand the difference between 'more' and 'enough', you will always be happy._
25.03.2024 / Monday
_Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them._
24.03.2024 / Sunday 
_If you are not finding time for your Fitness today,  then you are saving that time for Sickness tomorrow! Be practical, stay active, stay fit.... today!_
23.03.2024 / Saturday 
_Whatever life gives you, even if it hurts,  just be strong and act like you are okay. Strong walls might shake a bit, but never collapse._
22.03.2024 / Friday
_Truth is like a debit card.... pay first and enjoy later. A Lie is like a credit card....enjoy first but pay later!_
21.03.2024 / Thursday
_A fool becomes an intellectual, when he understands that he is a fool. A genius becomes a fool when he shows that he is proud of being a genius. Do not show off!_
20.03.2024 / Wednesday
_Our prayer and our trust in God are both invisible...but these two have so much strength to make the impossible, possible!_
19.03.2024 / Tuesday
_What we receive is information. What we perceive is knowledge. What we use is intelligence. But what, when and how we use it..... is our wisdom!_
18.03.2024 / Monday
_Handle your words and hearts with care..... because words when spoken, and hearts when broken, are the hardest things to repair._
17.03.2024 / Sunday
_Less requirements and more adjustments are the two wonderful steps for a happy and successful life!_
16.03.2024 / Saturday
_If you have a strong purpose in life, you do not have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there. Be passionate yet patient._
15.03.2024 / Friday
_When you least expect it, something great will come along. Something better than you ever planned for. So, be smart. Stay focused._
14.03.2024 / Thursday.
_Discipline is the bridge  between who you are, and who you want to become! Be disciplined in thoughts, words and deeds._
13.03.2024 / Wednesday
_Inspiration does exist. But it must find you serious, passionate and working!_
12.03.2024 / Tuesday
_Life is  a collection of moments....some happy, some sad, and some unforgettable. Enjoy the happiness, learn from sadness and cherish the unforgettable!_
11.03.2024 / Monday
_To be calm and relaxed in every situation is the greatest power in the world._
10.03.2024 / Sunday
_Our looks can gain only temporary attractíon. But our speech can win hearts forever. Win the world with your speech!_
09.03.2024 / Saturday
_In life, some failures are essential. Repeated success can make a person arrogant. Occasional failures or set-backs  are required for a person to have a balanced thinking._
08.03.2024 / Friday
_Do not get upset with people or situations.... as both are powerless without your reaction._
07.03.2024 / Thursday 
_If you live with expectations, happiness will leave you. If you leave expectations, happiness will live with you._ 
06.03.2024 / Wednesday
_For achieving success, know more than others, work more than others, and expect less than others._
05.03.2024 / Tuesday
_As long as you are locked up in your own logic, the Magic of Life will never reveal itself to you. So step out and face life head-on!_
04.03.2024 / Monday
_Happiness  is not something  you postpone for the future. It is something you design  for the  present._
03.03.2024 / Sunday
_The ability to observe without judgement is the highest form of intelligence._
02.03.2024 / Saturday
_Change is never painful. Only the resistance to change is painful._
01.03.2024 / Friday
_Small but an excellent thought.... Open your 'Eye' and close your 'I'_
*Happy New Month*

The month of March 2024 has marched into our life with a bang! This is a very crucial month for all. Think of your finances, check your taxes, do your (financial) year-end activities with care! Summer has set in too. Help with the exams and vacation of students in the family! Let us briskly march into March!


Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - February 2024


One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - February 2024

29.02.2024 / Thursday
_You glow brighter when you have good people around you and good intentions within you! _
28.02.2024 / Wednesday
_Doing what you like is freedom. But liking what you do is happiness!! Enjoy both!!_
27.02.2024 / Tuesday
_Seek your happiness in yourself. Relying on others for your happiness makes you  a slave._
26.02.2024 / Monday
_The best part of your life is when your family supports you as a friend and your friend supports you as a family._
25.02.2024 / Sunday
_Life is like a Parade. At the shout of 'About Turn', the last person becomes the first! Never feel inferior or superior. We do not know when life will take an 'About Turn'._
24.02.2024 / Saturday
_Winning your goal is surely a tough victory. However, winning your patience to achieve that goal is the toughest one...._
23.02.2024 / Friday
_Think good thoughts, say nice words, do good for others. Everything comes back in the long run._
22.02.2024 / Thursday
_It is good to celebrate success....but more important is to learn from failure._
21.02.2024 / Wednesday
_Disappointment is just the distance between expectation and reality.  You either expect less, accept  the reality and become less disappointed. OR you expect a lot, believe it is real and get disappointed! It is your choice!_
_We can save many relations if we understand the simple fact that people are not difficult but, they are different!_
19.02.2024 / Monday
_While life is learnt from the past,  life is lived looking forward._
18.02.2024 /  Sunday
_Perfection means doing the best. But Confidence means knowing how to handle the worst.…!_
17.02.2024 / Saturday
_A little less Ego and more Understanding, a little less Argument and more Compromise, a little less Expectation and more Love.... these will keep Relations bonded forever!_
16.02.2024 / Friday
_Maturity is not when we start speaking big things. It is when we start understanding small things._
15.02.2024 / Thursday
_Once the rain umbrella becomes a burden. That is how many times loyalty ends...when benefits stop!_
14.02.2024 / Wednesday
Our watches may show slightly  different time from each other. But each of us believe  that our time is correct. Same with our Opinions. Opinions may differ from person to person... but each one believes in his/her own opinion!
13.02.2024 / Tuesday
_Not everything will go as you expect in your life. This is why you need to drop your expectations and go with the flow of life._
12.02.2024 / Monday
_Every single event in your life, especially the difficult ones, have taught you to be stronger, smarter and wiser than you were yesterday. Be thankful for the same._
11.02.2023 / Sunday
_In the end, only three things matter:...How much you loved all, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you. Nothing else matters._
10.02.2024 / Saturday
_Every little smile can touch somebody's heart. No one is born happy, but all of us are born with the ability to create happiness.Never hesitate in doing so!_
09.02.2024 / Friday
_Please do not set aside your happiness. Do not wait to be happy in the future. The best time to be happy is always now!_
08.02.2024 / Thursday
_Great thoughts touch only thoughtful minds, but great actions touch all._
07.02.2024 / Wednesday
_The kindest thing you can do for someone else is to listen fully without forming an opinion._
06.02.2024 / Tuesday
_The pain you feel today might be the root for the strength you feel tomorrow.  Behind every challenge you encounter,  there is an opportunity for your growth. You have to identify and put it to use._
05.02.2024 / Monday
_Luxury and lies have huge maintenance costs, while truth and simplicity are self maintained without any costs! Better to choose the latter._
04.02.2024 / Sunday
_Your tongue performs two functions..... tasting and talking. You can remain quite healthy if you control these two activities!!
03.02.2024 / Saturday
_Even the most positive people have negative thoughts. The secret is not To Feed Them_
02.02.2024 / Friday
_If they respect you, respect them. If they disrespect you,  still respect them. Please do not allow the actions of others to decrease your manners, because you represent yourself!_
_Life is just like potter's clay...... It gets shaped by our own hands. Shape yours well!_
*Happy New Month!*

Time flies....So soon we have left January behind and have entered February 2024! Many positive changes are happening in Bharat and around you. Pay attention to the same, make time and get involved in them. Enjoy February ! Jai Shri Ram!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - January 2024


One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - January 2024

31.01.2024 / Wednesday
_Millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts, then forget where they hid them. Do good and forget. It will show results some day._
30.01.2024 / Tuesday
_To be reborn, it is not always necessary that the body is sacrificed. Many times, even a change in the thought process can bring about a positive transformation in the person._
29.01.2024 / Monday
_A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we start talking TO each other instead of talking ABOUT each other._
28.01.2024 / Sunday
_The quality of your life is determined by how peaceful and joyful you are within yourself._
27.01.2024 / Saturday
_It doesn't matter how many resources you have. If you do not know how to use them, it will never be enough...._
26.01.2024 / Friday
_Life is like a ball....the deeper we fall,  the higher we bounce. So when we feel we are at the lowest,  please remember that we are about to bounce higher than before._
25.01.2024 / Thursday
_Life has its own way of balancing  between the things you desire and the things you deserve. - Hafsa Quadri_
24.01.2024 / Wednesday
_When everything seems to be going against you, stop for a second. And remember that the aeroplane takes off against the wind, not with it._
23.01.2024 / Tuesday
_Life is so ironic. It takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence, and absence to value presence._
22.01.2024 / Monday
_Being Perfect is not in your hands. You can try, and still not become perfect. But being Good is in your hands.  Understand that, if you try,  you always have the capacity to  be good._
21.01.2024 / Sunday

Kindness does not cost a thing. Yet it is the richest gift you can give anyone.

20.01.2024 / Saturday
_Working hard for something we do not care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.


19.01.2024 /Friday

_True persons and well wishers in our life are like the stars that shine constantly. But
we often fail to see them till the dark hours come into our lives._
18.01.2024 / Thursday
_Valuables you carry may impress others..... but values you hold will inspire others._
17.01.2024 / Wednesday
_Whatever happens, we have to overcome issues. Either we struggle to run OR  carry it on lightly and move on. It is all upto us. Self-knowledge is a huge blessing.
16.01.2024 / Tuesday
_Silence is the best answer to someone who does not value your words._
15.01.2024 / Monday
_Always do your best. What you plant now will harvest later._
14.01.2024 / Sunday
_Every challenge in life has an objective and every pain carries a meaning. Remember that life’s trials are not to run you down but to exhort you to grow up._
13.01.2024 / Saturday
_Result of Anger is more painful than the Reason of Anger. Most of the time it ends in bitterness. Remember these words before you react!_
12.01.2024 / Friday
_One smile can start a friendship, one word can end a fight, one look can save a relationship and one person can change your life!_
11.01.2024 / Thursday
_Respect is the most important element of our personality. It is like an investment. Whatever we give to others, it is returned to us with profit._
10.01 2024 / Wednesday
_One of the ways to succeed in this world is to act on the advice you give to others._
09.01.2024 / Tuesday
_When problems are so big and your strength is no longer enough to carry them, do not give up !…Because, where your strength ends, the grace of GOD begins._
08.01.2024 / Monday
_If you have anger,  you do not require an enemy. Anger itself is your first enemy. If you have knowledge, you do not require wealth. Knowledge itself is wealth and also ia source of wealth._
07.01.2024 / Sunday
_Express yourself to someone who cares for you, not to those who need you.... Because care is a personal commitment, while need is a personal requirement._
06.01.2024 / Saturday
_Where there is struggle, there is a story.  Where there is belief, there are miracles. And where there is truth, there is victory!_
05.01.2024 / Friday
_Feel good when someone misses you. Feel better when someone loves you. But feel best when someone never forgets you._
04.01.2024 / Thursday
_Time does not change people....Time reveals the real face of people._
03.01.2024 / Wednesday
_Let yourself grow between the cracks.... like a wildflower between pavement.  Think out of the box, and bloom where you never thought you could._
02.01.2024 / Tuesday
Forgiveness  is the best form of love.
It takes a strong person to say sorry  and an even stronger person  to forgive.
01.01.2024 / Monday
_When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and some build windmills. It is only up to you to utilise the situation. So make the right choice!_
*Happy New Year 2024!*

So many wishes you receive
At the beginning of the year...
So what do you normally do?
You wish back all those dears!

You pray for their health..
Happiness and peace
And the first day passes by
Wishing back n forth with ease.

That's not enough, you see
As the new year usually brings
A page filled with what you can do
Till the year-end bell rings!

It has actions, emotions, happiness
Some downs too, to take your pick
You might think, " is this serious?
Or is this  some kind of trick?"

Choose wisely, act with a goal
Be your own master
You have a year to go by
Which will also move faster

Make resolutions for health
Become healthy  and fit
Be kind and helpful to others
With this, you will mentally benefit

Be more confident n cheerful
Enjoying life very well
Be alert against cheaters
In nook and corners they dwell

You carve each day yourself
And paint them with pleasant hues
Of smiles, kindness, lending hands
Bonding in many ways, not few.

Each day will be fresh and nice
Look forward to the same
The year 2024 will bring you cheer
Happiness, name and fame!!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan


Saturday, February 10, 2024



One thought-provoking PTP share per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - December 2023

PTP-December 2023

31.12.2023 / Sunday

Possibility or impossibility does  not  depend only on the size of our goal but also on the size of our faith. So have faith to help make everything possible.


30.12.2023 / Saturday

Please talk more with someone who makes you feel happy. However, speak  at least a few minutes warmly with someone who feels happy for you!


29.12.2023 / Friday

Please learn to listen.... And please listen to learn. Both are required in life!


28.12.2023 / Thursday

If your temper is cool....then  your decisions will not be wrong, there will be warmth in your tone and the one closer to you will not move far away from you.


27.12.2023 / Wednesday 

Do not be so emotional In your life that It hurts you. Also, do not get too practical In life that It hurts others.


26.12.2023 / Tuesday

No one in this world is  born as our friend or enemy. Our acts, attitude & approach makes them become either one.


25.12.2023 / Monday

Every smile, every loving word, every kind action, are  reflections of the beauty of our heart and soul.Use them optimally!


24.12.2023 / Sunday

Life is better when you are happy. But life is best when other people are happy because of you ! Be an inspiration.


23.12.2023 / Saturday

Be careful what you tolerate. You are teaching people how to treat you.


22.12.2023 / Friday

Behaviour has always an edge over knowledge....There are many situations where knowledge fails, but behaviour handles everything.


21.12.2023 / Thursday

Emotions are not always bound by words. You cannot express  everything you feel vocally. Good relationships stay steady with positive feelings ...even without vocal communication.


20.12.2023 / Wednesday

Friendship doesn't happen with special people. People become special after becoming friends.  We are all born ordinary but our friends make us special!


19.12.2023 / Tuesday

Minute decisions & Decisions in a minute! Life cannot be changed in a minute, but decisions taken in a minute can change your life entirely. So, take decisions wisely.


18.12.2023 / Monday

Every morning we get a chance to be different. A chance to change. A chance to be better. Your past is your past, leave it there and get on with the future. A great opportunity for us to evolve.... never waste this chance.


17.12.2023 / Sunday

Never accept the definition of your life from others! It Is Your life. No one knows about 'You' better than 'Yourself'.....You are the writer, director, producer and creator of your own life. So define it yourself !!


16.12.2023 / Saturday

Holding a grudge doesn’t make you strong, it makes you bitter. Forgiving doesn’t make you weak,  it sets you free. Please make the right choice!


15.12.2023 / Friday

Please do not confuse your path with your destination. Just because it is stormy now, it does not mean that you are not headed for sunshine! Good Luck.


14.12.2023 / Thursday

Insecure people will try to make you feel smaller, while confident people will  love to see you walk taller! Learn to identify people correctly.


13.12.2023 / Wednesday

Crying and Trying have only one letter difference in spelling, but a lot in its meaning. Crying *collapses* our confidence, while Trying *builds* our confidence.


12.12.2023 / Tuesday

Always love people from your heart and not from your needs or moods.


11.12.2023 / Monday,

A mistake that makes you humble is better than an achievement that makes you arrogant.


10.12.2023 / Sunday

Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, undone or forgotten, so take it as a lesson and move on.


09.12.2023 / Saturday

The biggest temptation of life is to convert our dreams into reality. But the biggest defeat of life comes when we surrender our dreams to reality.


08.12.2023 / Friday

Relation with nice people are like ice cubes. You break, crush, squeeze, beat and grind them... ..still they chill your life!

Have a great day! 


07.12.2023 / Thursday

Please stop keeping your clothes and shoes for special occasions.  Wear them whenever you can. Nowadays, being alive is  itself a special occasion!



If you have a choice...then choose the best.  If you have no  choice....then DO your best!


05.12.2023 / Tuesday

Faith is a small word,  but it has supreme  implications. The problem today is that we have full doubt in our faith. And have  full faith in our doubt. Let us change this and have full Faith with no Doubt! 


04 12.2023 / Monday 

What is coming will be  better than what has gone.... So look forward, not back!


03.12.2023 / Sunday

Good relationships are like trees. They demand attention and care in the beginning. But once they blossom, they provide you shade in all situations of life.


02.12.2023 / Saturday

No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of anyone who isn’t even trying!


01.12.2023 / Friday

Your worst enemy cannot  harm you as much as your unguarded thoughts. So keep a check on what you think, and filter the bad ones!!


Friday, February 9, 2024



One thought-provoking PTP share per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - November 2023

PTP-November 2023

30.11.2023 / Thursday
To be comfortable with your life, please learn .... to accept your past without regrets, to handle your present with confidence and to face your future  without fear.
29.11.2023 / Wednesday
Every smile, every loving word, every kind action are reflections of the beauty of your heart and soul.,
28.11.2023 / Tuesday
You will never get a person of your type in this world. You either have to Adjust or Compromise.  ADJUST when someone wants to be with you & COMPROMISE when you want to be with someone.
27.11.2023 / Monday
A man is great not because he hasn't failed....a man is great because the failure hasn't stopped him from moving ahead

26.11.2023 / Sunday

Your mind is your greatest friend if you control it. BUT your mind is your greatest enemy if it controls you.
25.11.2023 / Saturday

You relax in a plane even though you do not know the pilot. You relax in a ship, even though you do not know the captain. Similarly, please relax in this life and get on with your duties, knowing that God is in control.
24.11.2023 / Friday
Hardships and hardwork often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.
23.11.2023 / Thursday
Enjoy the little things in life. One day  you may look back and realise that  these were BIG things that made a big difference in your life!!
22.11.2023 / Wednesday
Relation is not a collection of people..... but it is the selection of hearts. We need to put all efforts to hold them for life time.
21.11.2023 / Tuesday
Happiness comes a lot easier when you stop complaining about your problems and start being grateful for all the problems you do not have.
20.11.2023 / Monday
A new day is like a new painting. Draw lines with prayers. Erase mistake with forgiveness. Dip the brush with lots of patience & colour it with love & respect!
19.11.2023 / Sunday
The only person who never makes mistakes is the person who never does anything. To err is human!
18.11.2023 / Saturda
Please understand that people will notice the change in your attitude towards them, but they will not notice their behavior that made you change.
17.11.2023 / Friday
Encouragement means to plant the seed of 'courage' in the lives of others. It is an act of regeneration. Encourage others!
16.11.2023 / Thursday
You are the master of your words till they are in your mouth. Once they are out of your mouth, they become your master. Think before you talk!
15.11.2023 / Wednesday
When you face difficult times, remember that challenges are not sent to destroy you. They are sent to alert, promote and strengthen you.
14.11.2023 / Tuesday
Sometimes the little things in life are more than enough. Stop at that point and enjoy the moment!
13.11.2023 / Monday
Do not allow people to dim your shine. They are so,  because they are blinded by your brightness. Let them put some sunglasses on!
12.11!2023 / Sunday
Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill
11.11.2023 / Saturday
We are not the product of circumstances but the product of our decisions. Think twice while making decisions.
10.11.2023 / Friday
Excellence has always been achieved by those who dared to believe that something inside them is superior to circumstances!!    
09.11.2023 / Thursday
Thoughts that make you happy are the thoughts that keep you healthy. Be healthy always.
08.11.2023 / Wednesday
Life is like a ball....the deeper we fall,  the higher we bounce! So when we feel we are at the lowest, please remember that we are about to bounce higher than before.
07.11.2023 / Tuesday
The best exercise in life is bending down to lift someone else up!
06.11.2023 / Monday
Hate is never spread by knowledge. Hate always spreads out of ignorance. Knowledge makes you tolerant. Most people who hate you do not know anything about you.
05.11.2023 / Sunday
When you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects. - Albert Einstein
04.11.2023 / Saturday
We come with nothing, and we go with nothing. But one great thing we can achieve in our beautiful life before we leave,  is a little remembrance in someone's mind and a  tiny place in someone's heart!
03.11.2023 /Friday
Success in life will create a crowd for you. Loneliness in life will create a space for you ... But tough times in life will bring out  the true person in you..!!
02.11.2023 / Thursday
Always remember these 3 words... TRY - TRUE - TRUST.
Try -  Always TRY for a better future,
True - Always be TRUE to your actions,
Trust - Always have TRUST In God.
If so, success and peace will always be with you.
01.11.2023 / Wednesday

Life can be happier and stress free if we remember one simple thought: "We cannot have all that we DESIRE, but God will give us all we DESERVE"

Shubh Din!