One thought-provoking PTP shared per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!
Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) September 2024
30.09.2024 / Monday
_A true leader doesn’t create Separation.
A true leader brings people Together. Be a true leader!_
29.09.2024 / Sunday
_Gaps are created not by What is said, but by How it is said. 'What' is said reaches the mind. However, 'How' it is said reaches the Heart. Think and speak._
28.09.2024 / Saturday
_Life is not a race against others. So do not waste your time and energy comparing and worrying about who is ahead of you and who is behind you. Focus on handling your own life and goals._
27.09.2024 / Friday
_Hurt someone with the truth. But never make them happy with a lie._
_There is a purpose for everyone you meet in life. Some people come to test you, some to teach you, some to use you, while some, to bring out the BEST in you!!_
_Give respect to people whether they deserve it or not, not as a reflection of their character but as a reflection of your own personality! Be a person with self esteem._
24.09.2024 / Tuesday
_Trust is a better compliment than love. You may not always trust the one you love.... But you can always love the person you trust for the rest of your life!_
23.09.2024 / Monday
_Never mistake education for intelligence. One can have a master’s degree and still lack common sense._
22.09.2024 / Sunday
_Team work is what makes common people capable of uncommon results. Listen to everyone, learn from each one.... because, nobody knows everything but everyone knows something._
21.09.2024 / Saturday
_Words spoken before time and fruits plucked before its season are both wasted. Think before you speak/act._
20.09 2024 / Friday
_Please spend life with those who make you happy, not with who you have to impress - Bob Marley_
19.09.2024 / Thursday
_People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.Cultivate good habits!
18.09.2024 / Wednesday
_Walking with time is not always necessary. But always walk with Truth. If you do so, one day automatically Time will walk with you...!!!_
17.09.2024 / Tuesday
_A bad attitude is like a flat tyre. You cannot go anywhere until you change it!_
16.09.2024 / Monday
_Surround yourself with people who talk about vision and ideas....not about other people._
15.09.2024 / Sunday
_It is not up to the others to always encourage you...It is up to YOU to keep yourself encouraged. The encouragement should come from within._
Happy Onam!
_May the harvest festival of Onam bring Joy and Prosperity to you and your loved ones!!_ HAPPY ONAM!!
14.09.2024 / Saturday
_Not everyone will appreciate what you do for them. And maybe you do not expect appreciation in return! However, you have to figure out who is worth your kindness and who is just taking advantage of you._
13.09.2024 / Friday
_How much you have studied is not the question. How much you have learned and used that knowledge, is what matters!_
12.09.2024 / Thursday
_Fight with your strength, not with others' weakness.... Because true success lies in your efforts and not in others' defeats!_
11.09.2024 / Wednesday
_If you shape your life according to your nature, you will never be poor. If you shape it according to other people's opinions, you will never be rich._
10.09.2024 / Tuesday
_God balances our lives by giving us : enough blessings to keep us happy, enough burdens to keep us humble and enough hardships to keep us strong. _
09.09.2024 / Monday
_Q: Why do we need a Close Friend when we have so many friends around us?_
_A: There are so many gases in the air. But, we only need Oxygen for Life!_
सुप्रभातं शुभ सोमवासरश्च।
08.09.2924 / Sunday
_If someone treats you badly, just remember that there is something wrong with them, not you. Normal people do not go around destroying other people. Never let someone with the significance of a speed bump become a roadblock in your life._
07.09.2024/ Saturday
_Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express not to impress. Do not strive to make your presence noticed just make your absence felt._
Happy Ganesha Chaturthi.
06.09.2024 / Friday
_Be grateful that you do not have everything you want. It means you still have an opportunity to be happier tomorrow than you are today!_
05.09.2024 / Thursday
_Stop being fooled by the illusion of wealth. Big houses, expensive cars, fancy lifestyle is not wealth, it is debt. Wealth is time, freedom, options and health!_
Happy Teacher's Day!
05.09.2024 / Thursday
Happy Teacher's Day to each of you here. Young or old, male or female, each of you can learn from others and each of you can teach others something good. Be a good mentor! Happy Teacher's Day!
04.09.2024 / Wednesday
_Just be what you are, positive and honest. Do not try to explain yourself to others.... Because it is hard to be right in the eyes of people who are always judgemental._
03.09.2024 / Tuesday
_If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change._
02.09.2024/ Monday
_Simplicity is not the absence of 'things'.... But it is the absence of the 'need' for them! Be content, stay simple!_
01.09.2024 / Sunday
_A little hug can dry many tears. A little candle can light the darkness. Little memories can last for years. It is the little things in life that bring the greatest happiness._
Happy New Month
01.09.2024 / Sunday
It feels as if the first eight months of 2024 have passed through in a jiffy, to make us step into the ninth month! Come September....a month when we remember our Gurus on the 5th, Teacher's Day! Also, we have other socio-religious events that prompt us to get together for collective celebrations! Do keep yourself busy, mingle well, and enjoy the festivities! Happy September 2024! Have a great month ahead!
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