Friday, February 9, 2024



One thought-provoking PTP share per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - October 2023


31.10.2023 / Tuesday

Imagine with all your mind. Believe with all your heart. And achieve with all your might!


30.10.2023 / Monday

A minute of patience can change a bad mood. And that one minute can save the rest of your day.


29.10.2023 / Sunday

Youth is not the only the best time of your  life. It is a state of mind!  Think young even when you are older...and you will feel young!


28.10.2023 / Saturday 

Filtered water keeps us far away from diseases. And filtered speech keeps us far away from impending problems.


27.10.2023 / Friday 

Love and kindness from you are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver!


26.10.2023 / Thursday

A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work. - John Lubbock


25.10.2023 / Wednesday 

Let us get into the habit of complimenting others and magnifying their strengths. The world needs more of that!


24.10.2023 / Tuesday

Happiness always looks small if you hold it in your hands. But when you learn to share it, you will realise how big and precious it is! Always Be Happy.


23.10.2023 / Monday

Keep your Smile on....It makes you attractive, it changes your mood, it relieves stress and it helps you to stay positive.


22.10.2023 / Sunday 

Use life to express, and not to impress. Life is God's gift to us. So, enjoy every second of your life and be an inspiration to others....!!!


21.10.2023 / Saturday 

Talents might take you to a high position in your career. However, your good behaviour will make others keep you in a high position in their heart always!


20.10.2023 / Friday

Forget what hurt you. But please do not forget what it taught you! Learn and move on!


19.10.2023 / Thursday

Results of anger are more painful than the reasons for anger.Try and control your anger!


18.10.2023 /Wednesday

The two most powerful warriors in our life, that keep us going and make us feel good, are patience and time. 


17.10.2023 / Tuesday

Time is the one thing we all have in common. But it is also one thing we all use differently. Use your time to make life wholesome!


16.10.2023 / Monday

The ability To speak several languages Is a great asset. BUT.... the ability to keep your mouth shut (in any language) when required, is priceless!


15.10 2023 / Sunday

Everything seems valuable in just two situations....before receiving it OR after losing it.Try to value things when they are with you.

Have a good day!


14.10.2023 / Saturday

You may not be perfect in many things, but many things cannot be perfect without you! So stay special!!


13.10.2023 / Friday

We are like books. Most people see only our cover. Some read only the introduction, and many people believe the critics. Very few will know our real content. So just be what you are!                                            


12.10.2023 / Thursday

If you really want to receive joy and happiness, then serve others with all your heart. Lift their burden, and your own burden will be lighter.


11.10.2023 / Wednesday

'Being considered old' can be due to physical age factor. But if you THINK young, you will always FEEL vibrant and young!_


10.10.2023 / Tuesday

No And Yes are two short words, which need a long thought. Many times we miss a good opportunity in life because of saying NO too early, and saying YES too late.


09.10.2023 / Monday

A Lamp does not speak. It introduces itself through its Light. Likewise, achievers never expose themselves. But their achievements expose them. Be an achiever!


08.10.2023 / Sunday 

Celebrate even the smallest wins. You deserve to reward yourself when you meet your goals.


07.210.2023 / Saturday 

Success does not depend on the size of our depends on the quality of our thoughts.


06.10.2023 / Friday

Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder!


05.10.2823 / Thursday 

Opportunities, good luck and right people are like sunrise. They come everyday....  but if you take too long to wake up, you are going to miss them.


04.10.2023 / Wednesday

One who knows himself well is never disturbed by what others think about him.


03.09.2023 / Tuesday

Your smile is your logo. Your personality is your business card, and the way you make others feel is your trademark. Make a mark in others' lives through these.


02.10.2023 / Monday

Willingness to admit our mistakes is a sign of inner strength. Being afraid to accept our mistakes is a sign of emotional fragility.


01.10.2023 /Sunday

If someone points out your mistake, be happy that at least that person is interested in your betterment!


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