Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - February 2023

 One thought-provoking PTP share per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - February 2023

PTP- February 2023

28.02.2023 / Tuesday
Life is like playing chess with God. After every move, He makes the next move. Your moves are called Choices and His moves are called Challenges.
27.02.2023/ Monday
Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you are going to lead your life.
26.02.2023 / Sunday
Life is short. Time is fast. No rewind. No replay. So enjoy every moment as it comes.
25.02.2023 / Saturday
Life is beautiful and it is always on the move, like a flowing river. This day, this minute, this second soon flow away and will never come back in your life. So make the most of it by avoiding fights and giving in to anger. Give respect, attention and love to others and enjoy a  beautiful life.
24.02.2023 / Friday
Keep a little bit of attitude always in your pocket. Don’t use it to hurt others.  But use it when your self-respect is being tested by other people.
23.02.2023 / Thursday
When  you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come! Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won and all the fears you have overcome!
22.02.2023 / Wednesday
While our success is measured by others, our satisfaction is measured by our own soul, mind and heart. 

21.02.2023 / Sunday
Success requires work….. not just words!!
20.02.2023 /Monday
Positive thinking is not about expecting the best to happen every time. It is about accepting that whatever happens is the best for this moment!
19.02.2023 / Sunday
What others think about you is not important. What YOU think about yourself means everything! 
18.02.2022 / Saturday
Relations shine while shaking hands or  patting the back at  happy moments!! But they blossom while holding hands and lending a shoulder in critical moments!!
17.02.2023 / Friday

A beautiful life does not just happen. It is built daily by prayers, humility, sacrifice, commitment and love! 
16.02.2023 / Thursday
Most of the problems in life come because of two reasons... we act without thinking and we keep thinking without acting! So please Think, ...AND Act!
15.02.2023 / Wednesday
Always try to represent yourself *'happy'*. This is because, initially it becomes your look. Gradually, it becomes your habit.... and finally, it becomes your personality!
14.02.2023 / Tuesday
Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of good habits, focus, commitment and hardwork. 
13.02.2023 / Monday
Never measure life by your possessions. Measure It by the hearts you touched, the smiles you created and the love you shared!
12.02.2023 / Sunday
Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.- Albert Einstein
11.02.2023 / Saturday
Relationships are not where you just FIND happiness. It is also where you SHARE happiness!
10.02.2023 / Friday
Life is about balance. Be kind, but do not let other people abuse you .Trust, but do not be deceived. Be content, but never
stop improving your self ! Balance these emotions optimally!
09.02.2023 / Thursday
You do not meet people by accident. There is always a reason....a lesson or a blessing!
08.02.2023 / Wednesday
Your good deeds might seem invisible....but they leave a trail that is imprinted on the hearts of others! 
07.02.2023 / Tuesday
Laugh at your mistakes, but learn from them. Joke over your troubles, but gather strength from them. Have fun with your difficulties, but overcome them! 
06.02.2023 / Monday
You will be the most successful person in your life if you follow all the advices you give to others!! 
05.01.2023 / Sunday
*The beautiful things in life are not 'things'. They are people and places, memories and pictures. They are feelings and moments, smiles and laughter!!*
04.02.2023 / Saturday
Sometimes you will have to just accept that some people can only be in your heart, not in your life!
03.02.2023 / Friday
It is responsibilities that make you mature, not your age!
02.02.2023 / Thursday
Time is valuable! Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters!

01.02.2023 / Wednesday
When you talk, you are only  repeating what you already know. But when you listen, you may learn something new. - Dalai Lama


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