Friday, February 9, 2024



One thought-provoking PTP share per day makes a big difference to many. The words make you sit back, think, ponder and follow, to get positive feelings in your daily life. The intention is to bring in smiles, cheer and positivity in your mind. So here we go..... enjoy!!

Shama’s Points-To-Ponder (PTP) - August 2023

PTP - August 2023

31.08.2023 / Thursday

Be selective with your battles.  Sometimes peace is better than being right.
30.08.2023 / Wednesday
If you desire to blossom like a rose in the garden, then you must learn the art of adjusting with the thorns. Difficulties will make you face the situation and then, shine!
29.08.2023 / Tuesday
God is like a wifi! He is available everywhere, but to connect to him you need to use a correct password, which is PRAYER. Please connect and proceed!!
28.08.2023 / Monday
Beware of your ego... It is a double edged sword. The outer edge cuts your POPULARITY and The inner edge cuts your PURITY.
27.08.2023 / Sunday
Not all storm come to disrupt your life. Some approach you and clear your path!
26.08.2023 / Saturday
You can miss anything  just to have your best life. However, please do not  miss your best life for the sake of anything !!
25.08.2023 / Friday
Open up your Mind and your Thoughts to solve a problem. This is necessary because you cannot solve any problem with the same mindset and thoughts that created it!
24.08.2023 / Thursday
Best friend is not someone who is just always there for you. It is someone who understands you a bit more than you understand yourself.
23.08.2023 / Wednesday
Your Life does not get better by mere chance.... It gets better by positive change! So BE AN INSTRUMENT in bringing about that change!
22.08.2023 / Tuesday
We might not get what we want, or
we might not want what we get. Again, we might not have what we like, or we might not like what we have. Still we  continue to live and love.... That's LIFE!!!
21.08.2023 / Monday
When God blesses you financially, you will immediately raise your standard of living. However, please also raise your standard of 'giving'!!
20.08.2023 / Sunday
If you get your Inside right, Outside will fall into place!
19.08.2023 / Saturday
Two things define you...Your Patience when you have Nothing, and
Your Attitude when you have Everything!
18.08.2023 / Friday
It is impossible to fail completely and it is impossible to succeed perfectly. But It is always possible to keep performing dedicatedly & consistently. And THAT will make you move forward towards your goal.
17.08.2023 / Thursday
Kind words can be short and easy to speak.... but their echoes are truly meaningful and endless!
16.08.2023 / Wednesday
Happiness is a crazy Mathematics, because it multiplies when you divide it!
15.08.2023 / Tuesday
On this 77th Indian Independence Day, let us remember the sacrifices of our forefathers and strive to build a better India. Remember- united we stand, divided we fall. On this independence day, you are wished happiness, joy, and a sense of national pride. Jai Hind!
14.08.2023 / Monday
Communication is the lifeline of any relationship. When you stop communicating, you start losing your valuable relationship.
13.08.2023 / Sunday
Life never seems to be the way we want it, but we live it the best way we can. There is no perfect life....but we can fill it with perfect moments.
12.08.2023 / Saturday
The best translator is the one who can translate someone's silence into a smile.
11.08.2023 / Friday
Please do not be afraid to start over again, maybe right from scratch.  It will give you a chance to build something even better!
10.08.2023 / Thursday
Do not be afraid of losing people. Be afraid of losing YOURSELF while trying to please others around you!!
09.08.2023 / Wednesday
95% problems in  life are due to the tone of our voice. It is not what we say, but HOW we say, that matters. Just change  the tone and see the positive change that happens in your life!!
08.08.2023 / Tuesday
Remember to spend every moment of your life with love and enjoyment. Do not save it, as there is no system to get a refund on an unused life!
07.08.2023 / Monday
NO And YES are two Short Words which need a  Long Thought. We miss most things in life because of saying NO too early and YES too late! Please think and act.
06.08.2023 / Sunday
A positive mind and a loving heart can give you a  healthy and stress-free life.
05.08.2023 / Saturday
Whenever you are in a condition to help someone,  just do it, and be glad.... because God is answering someone's prayers through you.
04.08.2023 / Friday
We need our STRENGTH while doing the POSSIBLE .... But we need deep FAITH while doing the IMPOSSIBLE. Be strong, have faith!!
03.08.2023 / Thursday
Never go away from  good relations even when you find few faults..... because, relationship needs Affection not Perfection.
02.08.2023 / Wednesday
The tree that wants to touch sky must extend its roots into earth. More it wants to rise upward; more it has to go downwards. So, to rise in life, we must be down to earth.
01.08.2023 / Tuesday
Never forget that YOU are your most valuable asset. It is not your house, job, your boss, or a car, it is YOU. Always invest in your own talents and growth.

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