Thursday, November 27, 2008

Winding-up is not easy.

My daughter Preeta was leaving her job, her academic, professional and personal ties in the US for good, to return to India to get married. She was relocating her future life elsewhere. I understood her emotional upheaval and the physical strain of winding-up alone with no assistance from anyone. The poem that I sent had its effect as, according to Preeta, ‘whenever I was low, I read it and got re-energised. It was a great feeling as it boosted my morale’. I am happy that the effect was right since I wanted her to feel the invisible support. - Shanta

Winding-up is not easy

Winding-up is not easy
Closing shop is difficult
So think that there is no option
And your mind will not go tumult….

Loosening ties is heart-wrenching
Giving-up gives a mental uproar
So think positive – it’s your choice
Your life, future, and much more….

Concentrate on the work at hand
Keep a deadline for each task
Finish one; go to the next, then
Relax in the sun and bask….

‘So much work, so much to finish
And so little time’ - is what you pine
Then think of the trophy that’s close at hand
Go, win, get into the finishing line!!!

Start, begin, my little darling girl
We’ll all be together in days, just few
Think of us n you’ll get the energy
Our heart is there, and prayers too !!!


© Shanta Ramakrishnan
(October 2006)

1 comment:

Preeta Iyer said...

Hi Ma,

I'm here with Karan next to me looking at your blog. looks great! I am quite excited about your blog. I love the background. Not too flashy, yet elegant and comforting.

Want to see and read more about yu on this blog.