Monday, November 24, 2008

Why Wo(men's) Day??

Ajay yelled, "Hey, come here Bharathi,
What is this day called?"
"March 8 ? It's Women's Day!" she replied,
"Oh!" Ajay looked appalled...

"Why give them the day's glory?
What's so special? Why Women's Day?"
Bharathi was patient, ready to make the time
She was happy to have her say....

"There are many kinds of women,
Throughout this vast universe,
Some well settled, right on top,
A few, struggling or worse...

Woman has always been very strong
Unlike the general notion,
She is a pillar, even while alone,
With a variety of ideas n emotions

Though oft termed, the 'weaker sex'
Ironically she's otherwise,
She is as strong as a solid rock
Creative, humane, and very very nice

She can prove herself in any field
And show she is second to none
Lends a shoulder when you're down
She's practical, a compassionate one

Behind the scene, she is a great support,
She is sharp and articulate,
She has a bright rainbow of qualities
She makes a wonderful mate...

Physically she can beget children,
A godly quality, so unique,
She bears the pain, she rears the kids
She makes them strong, not meek

With all the above woven together,
She still woos you, O, Man!!
So one day in three sixty five (365) days,
Dedicate to the WOMAN - you can!!!!"

© Shanta Ramakrishnan
(March 08, 2004)

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