Saturday, November 22, 2008

SIES-1969 School Reunion...Down the memory lane

It was a reunion with a difference!! Many students who completed SSC (Std XI) from SIES High School, Matunga, Mumbai in March 1969, met after 39 years in the school premises on February 24, 2008. It was an emotional and nostalgic experience for all (now in 50s), who attended the reunion. Here is a recap of the event in my words. Shanta.

It all started with a mere phone-call
That was Vasantha, my SIES school pal
She wondered if we could all meet
Surprised, I thought, “What a treat!”

So Dr. Mani, Santhanam, Vasantha and a few
Started the ball rolling, and as if by cue
Many enlisted, ready for reunion
Happy and eager, that’s my opinion!

On Sunday morn, February Twenty Fourth
I had my heart pounding, as I set forth
Met a few friends, sooner than I thought
At Nahur station, the same train, we got

Ananthi, Janaki and Gauri were there
‘Hi’ and happy smiles, all of us shared
We moved real fast, not to be late,
Soon we were at the SIES gate…

From here on I express my own feelings
Going down memory lane… it was so reeling
With nostalgia, I stood a minute, transfixed
Those years in flash-back, in memory, fixed.

We entered our school, and saw a beaming face
It was Dr. Mani- Subbu, to friends of schooldays
Suddenly I spotted a familiar smile
R.Mahalakshmi’s, sure, I could tell from a mile!

C.E. Geeta, the lady from Syndicate Bank
My bench mate, we e’en shared some ranks!
Bhanu the fair dame, teacher from Bangalore
Who too was in Sion, I remembered for sure….

Then a dazzling smile hovered, and hit me hard
Mmm.. must be someone who takes you off-guard,
The lady’s elegance made me ponder
Yes, it was A. Radha!! I got my answer!!

Dear Rathi walked in with her quiet hubby
I thought of the days when she was very chubby
Slim, well dressed, her daughters married…
Now she is a grandma, a charming one indeed

We registered our contacts, met more classmates
Some arrived with spouses, their life-mates
We were then directed to the breakfast site
The food was delicious, we tasted every bite

When in school, we never talked to boys
Still, faces were familiar, of some of the guys
Soon we all connected, with laughter and uproar
The SIES-69 Reunion began to soar!

Teachers were escorted carefully to the seats
Most, in late 70s, were happy with this Meet
It was our privilege to have them over
To pay our respects to the teaching staff, ever

Vasantha graced by lighting the lamp
Amid hurray, cheers and loud claps
The meeting commenced with national anthem, then
‘Guru Vandana’ sung by daughter of Santhanam

The welcome speech, followed by SIES history,
Sri. Muthuswami Iyer’s photo, garlanded with dignity
The school’s growth was showed by a presentation
The visual ascent, with a catchy oration

We spotted chalks, duster and a black board
Algebra class of KRK Sir! We were not bored!!
Going back to our teens, we all sat down
Answering (a+b)2 in chorus, without any frown

We could feel the animation in Sir’s voice
Knew the commitment to his professional choice
He taught us Maths, contemporary style too,
The hall shook with laughter without any taboo.

The teachers were honored by a gift and bouquet
A token of respect from our heart, I say
Display of emotions unabashedly shown -
The eternal bond of Guru Shishya is well known!

Radha, Ravi, Shekar, Vasantha and a few
Exchanged views of SIES, then and now
Dr. Mani (Subbu) talked of commitment
As an active alumni, and got our assent!

Then the intro began, each one got a chance
To give a small gist of self, without any prance
Listening to the progress of family n profession,
We cheered everyone, at the good oration.

Our friend and batch-mate Selvaraj dear
Was the caterer, his profession was clear!
We went on to taste the lovely lunch laid
Amid food and chatter, compliments were paid

To continue this bond of Reunion Day
Each February we meet, on the last Sunday
This was the unanimously taken decision
‘ Giving back to SIES’ is our mission…..

With points coming up, as if by magic,
Discussions of donations n service were mere logic
A plan to lead, and be an active troupe
That will be our SIES-1969 GROUP!

Soon it was time for me to leave
Quite a bit in a day, we had achieved
My heart was full, and my eyes were moist
I consider this Reunion, a new flag hoist!

©Shanta Ramakrishnan (A.K.Shanta/SIES1969/XI-D)

1 comment:

Ravi Ramakantan said...

Relived THAT day, this morning.
Thanks, Shanta.