Tuesday, December 16, 2008

You can…. You CAN!!

At one time when I wished to bolster a distraught youngster from crumbling, this is what I came up with! …. Though a drop of water in the ocean, it did help him retain his equilibrium at a very crucial stage -- Shanta

You can…. You CAN!!

“If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don’t,
If you like to win, but you think you can’t
It is almost certain that you won’t….

Life’s battles do not always go
To the stronger or faster man
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can!!”

The above verse appeared recently
In the columns of TOI **
It was so true and inspiring
That it caught my heart and eye

Education now-a-days, is tension prone,
That youngsters have nightmares
Exams are something that they dread
Their fear, you can’t compare

But the result, sure, is of great value
When your career at last begins
So work hard, face the worst, but succeed
Always keep up your chin!!

Books, syllabus, portion and the like
Now topics of talk remain
Once exam’s over, you relax a bit
Your lost energy, regain…

It is just not bookish knowledge that counts
When they judge your personality
IQ, EQ, other interests weighed
You’re rated with no pity...

Ease for a minute, then get along
With books of the toughest lot
Your result will be fine, I sincerely feel,
As unaware, you are not caught….

So step on, go ahead and win laurels
You can make yourself proud
Our best wishes are indeed with you
And you’ll shine even in a crowd!!

©Shanta Ramakrishnan (May 1996)

** (TOI –May 06, 2006, ‘Sacred Space’ in Times of India, a famous newspaper/daily in India)

1 comment:

Ganesh said...

This reminds me of Henry Ford's quote - "If you think you can, you can; if you think you can't, you can't; either ways you are the winner."

So true we create boundaries in in life.

Nice one though