Thursday, December 4, 2008

Reading - A Healthy Habit!!

I love reading. It is a wonderful way of keeping oneself occupied, updated, and knowledgeable. When I was in school, I used to accompany my dad to a local library where he would pick up big, fat novels for himself, colourful and interesting magazines for mom and short-story books for us kids. I remember dad reading out paragraphs from Mrs. Henry Wood's novels inculcating humanitarian feelings in our minds and mom describing different stories each time, giving examples of how courageous youngsters rose above their tormentors. We six siblings, took turns each Wednesday evening, reading and discussing one short story within the allotted one-hour, the unforgettable ‘talk-time’ we spent together as a family. According to my parents, nothing can replace a good reading habit. I totally agree, because, it is this habit that has made me a well-read adult. I cannot resist a good book, whatever the theme be and reading fills me with renewed energy.

It is a shame that youngsters now-a-days have no time for books, no inclination to pick-up one even for a lazy hour relaxation. Through this poem I urge all youngsters to get into this habit of reading!

Reading – A Healthy Habit!!

Children, Hey kids! Now listen to me,
Stop, wait and lend me your ears
I am going to tell you something new
That has been forgotten for some years…

Now-a-days you go home, eat, and watch TV
To the idiot box you are glued
So many channels, Star, Zee and DD
By you, all these are viewed

With television and homework to keep you occupied,
You have no time to spare
About the habit of healthy reading
You are completely unaware…

So kids, stop and check yourself now
Start this very good habit
You’ll enjoy the same, I do guarantee
Be totally engrossed, every bit

It gives you the knowledge, makes you real smart
You spend your time in a better way
You learn new words, your language improves
You look forward to a lovely day

You know about authors, you quote a few lines
You use phrases and idioms
You speak confidently and create an impression
In the minds of your close chums

Reading is a habit that should never die
No matter what might be your age
So shut that TV and take a book

© Shanta Ramakrishnan (October 1995)

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