Monday, December 22, 2008

The Strength of Friendship!!!

I dedicate this poem to all my wonderful friends!

Friendship is a relationship one should treasure. It enriches you, makes you a fuller, happier, stronger person. It gives you a rare, invisible sense of solace and well-being. If you want to continue with a good friendship, you too have to work towards retaining the same… and that is the other side of the coin!! To HAVE a good friend with whom you can share without any inhibition is indeed a lucky situation, but to BE a good friend and be ready to lend a helping hand without a second thought, is a rare quality.

And if you are one, hats off to you!!!

The Strength of Friendship!!!

Friendship is like a flower
With silent invisible fragrance
It has a mystic power
So don’t cast it off with grimace

There is no rule or regulation
As to who gives and who takes
It has a two-way motion
Flexible, stronger it makes

Your drooping shoulder’s gripped n caught
‘Nother perspective, you understand
You open up and share some inner thoughts
Get up… and build again from sand…..

Within you, willpower is built
Somehow you become strong
Your heart will not go tumult
You feel, nothing can go wrong….

If you have a friend, I have to say….
Your days, with energy, chime
Friendship teaches you to give away
And gain at the same time!!!!

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© Shanta Ramakrishnan
December 23, 2008


Preeta Iyer said...

hey mom!

great poem! I'll share it with deepa, ajay, ganesh, sandhya and urmila as well. definitely reminded me of some of my close friends.


That "Masala" girl... said...

so beautiful... Im going to subscribe to your blog now. :)