Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Magic of a SMILE !!!

When my daughter Priya was studying in the first year Engineering in Mumbai, one of her classmates was showing signs of depression due to the academic burden. He was away from his family for the first time, and the challenge of getting though tough subjects in the examinations were too much to cope. When Priya shared the concern of her friends’ group about this class-mate, it touched me. I wrote this poem to boost anyone who is undergoing a strenuous period in one’s life. A smile, a pat and an encouraging nod can work wonders! It did, in this case!! - Shanta

The Magic of a SMILE !!!


Open your heart and smile, my dear,
A small one, a broad one, and bring in cheer
Radiate everyone with your special smile
It’ll keep them going, for quite a while

Smile at many a lonely face,
Smile at those who always rush n race
Bringing to them fragrance and sunshine,
It’ll make our life happy, yours and mine…

Smile, smile at people all around
Smile at the nature that surrounds
For smile clears worries and a lot of mess
And then you end up with great happiness

Smile with the load of books and texts
Smile your way through studies and tests
Toil and sweat but smile through the show
For your life will then have ....

© Shanta Ramakrishnan ( February 1996)

1 comment:

Ganesh said...

I really liked this one for few reasons - as a student away from home, reasons find itself in plenty. Even the emotional bonding with friends and parents which otherwise may not be that evident or known makes its presence felt.

So the least one can do is stand by the side and see the person happy..so kudos to u n priya's effort in giving that extra bit of happiness.