Saturday, December 25, 2021


It is never too late to go back to childhood recollection! It brings

about a nostalgic moment to anyone who is doing so. The fondness

and love, the pain and the gain.... all come back to us in a rush!!

And we learn from it. Enjoy the poem!! - Shanta Ramakrishnan



(Author unknown)

           If I had the power to turn back the clock,

            Go back to that house at the end of the block -

            The house that was HOME when I was a kid,

            I know that I'd love it more now than I did.

            If I could be back there at my mother's knee,

            And hear once again all the things she told me,

            I'd listen as I never listened before, 

            For she knew so well just what life had in store.

            And all the advice my dad used to give, 

            His voice I'll remember as long as I live;

            But it didn't seem really important then;

            What I'd give just to live it all over again. 

            And what I'd give for the chance I once had,

            To do so much more for my mother and dad;

            To give them more joy and a little less pain;

            A little more sunshine  - a little less rain.

            But the years roll on and we cannot go back,

            Whether we were born in a mansion or a shack;

            But we can start right now - in the hour that's here, 

            To do something more for the ones we hold dear.

            And since time in its flight is traveling so fast;

            Let's not spend it regretting that which is past;

            But let's make tomorrow a happier day

            By doing our 'good to others' - TODAY!!

                                                            (Author unknown)

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