Wednesday, February 17, 2021




What is a Knock? A noise? An indication of something ready to enter….? Taking permission? Maybe! What is the ‘knock’ referred here that you are advised to pay attention to? Here is the answer….

Everyone has a mind of his own. An intellect that can think and ponder, that can decide what is right and wrong, that can help you in making your choice. What makes you do all these actions? It is the urge, the support that draws you towards making a decision. How do you understand this ? By listening to your inner voice!

One sees many things, hears many sounds and all these have an impact in our mind. In addition, we have other concerns that take a priority.  Our first concern should be our LIFE, how we lead it, how we conduct ourselves, how close and bonded we are to our family, what future plans we have for us, what path we are going to take to get satisfaction personally and professionally. Not an easy verdict to take in a jiffy. As days progress, we tend to edit our decisions, make adjustments and alter our intentions slightly, to suit the situation. However, the final goal in life might remain the same.


We need to be alert about what is happening around us and how such events impact our life, our family, our goal. We see opportunities thrown our way by an unseen hand that can change our life totally for the better. This can come in the form of a sudden encounter with a friend, a casual  reference that we can use for our benefit, an advertisement that suits our qualification,  or even an offer that comes out of the blue!  

When this happens, you get a hunch that someone is taking the reign of life from your hands, albeit temporarily!  It is then, that you understand that the Power Above can work wonders, play a drama and steer you rightly, if you deserve it. This is the KNOCK that I was referring to earlier, the silent voice from within, the invisible movement that touches your head with a blessing. Look out for such signs and take up such choices thrown your way, as you continue sincerely towards being a successful human being. If you listen to these small SIGNS, NUDGES, KNOCKS, and analyse the same, they will prove encouraging for your progress towards your goal! Good luck and stay blessed!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan, Mumbai

1 comment:

Chandra said...

Good one Shantha. Goal setting formula. One small request just check the "Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightingale in you tube for added inspiration.