Wednesday, February 10, 2021



 If you CARE,  you should SHARE!

Care is an emotion, it is an attitude, it is a feeling. When you feel for goodness of  something or somebody, it means you care for that item or that person. Care need not stop with people known to us, our near and dear ones. It can widen to a bigger horizon and encompass a larger audience, a huge number of recipients. How? You will know soon 


 If you know someone might be sick, and can do with some help and moral support, then SHARE a bit of your time with them. You can tell a prayer, maybe cook a dish for them, help them get medical assistance at home, get their medicines from shop …. ANY small bit of help goes a BIG way in such a situation.  Let them know you are there for them like a pillar, and psychologically, they will gain courage and confidence to face the turmoil in a better way.


Suppose you have a talent for an art and are good at it. You have got some extra personal experience of how you learnt it so well, SHARE that knowledge with others. Nowadays, with the digital media flourishing and entering each household, sharing is not a big task at all. Suppose you are good at cooking and you have a nice tried-and-tested recipe, SHARE in social media so others (even whom you do not know)  learn about it and enjoy. The fact that your sharing has reached out and benefited IS the reward you get, plus the happiness and goodwill of that recipient towards you is the unseen blessing that is sent your way.


SHARE any and all positive knowledge. If the knowledge is a coveted one, have an official 'Copyright' for the owner. You can also professionally 'patent' your creation and share the information with public who will benefit. Don’t keep your wisdom a secret, if it can educate others in a better way through it. Create a blog, write in a publication, share a video, do anything to reach out.


 This does not mean you are bragging about your knowledge. NO, not at all. The way you go about sharing shows how much you care for others in the society. It is proof of your intention for their betterment.


 In the current times, there are  several social groups. Eg. In our residential complex,  we have a  'GoGreen’  WhatsApp group. This group  has experts with green-fingers who have kitchen garden and who grow flowers and herbs, vegetables, and some, even fruits. Some make compost in their homes. These people are ready to teach  others whatever knowledge they have. Such SHARING happens as a result of their  CARING  for others. This can eventually result in many kitchen gardens and eco-friendly experiments. 


If you have read a nice book, and would like to encourage others to read the same,  share the title and a synopsis in a group that might enjoy the book with this information. Or, if you have mastered  a difficult  song …. ten share the audio with music lovers, someone in the group will learn the song from your sharing!


However, 'Share if you Care’  comes with a catch-line. You should share, not for praise or flattery. You should share because you want to see its  benefit on many, and expand the result multi-fold. That selfless attitude in caring as you share brings about goodness all around. So please  ‘Care for others and Share with others’! Good Luck!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan,  Mumbai


1 comment:

radha said...

Enjoyed reading this, Shanta. Such a simple but great idea. More relevant in these times of social distancing. This is a way to connect usefully, meaningfully and bring joy.Thanks for caring enough for us to share this idea!