Wednesday, February 24, 2021





God has taken great care and effort while creating each human being! HE has not just given us life, shape and identifiable features, HE has also put unseen properties inside us. Intellect, rational thinking, and various feelings are among them. The magical touch of the ‘Power Above’ makes a new born baby shudder at a cold breeze, or cry when hungry. Amazing, isn’t it?  


Emotions lie within each of us, some of these are very positive ( happiness, compassion, gratitude etc.)  while some are not so (hatred, envy, spite etc.).  A growing child can fumble and falter as he gets a hang of the novelty of emotions that crop up from within. It is at this stage that the adults nearby should make him understand which emotion is positive and which is not. The child might look confused, but please don’t give up…. as kids need help in understanding themselves. The adult should be patient, use many methods to make the minor realize what is going on within him. Sometimes, mere words will be of no use.… you need to give him examples or cite real-life situations to warn him against a negative emotions.


JEALOUSY is a feeling one gets when one is not happy with the progress or growth of a fellow being. You are envious, and feel strongly that he should fail, or that he should not reach UP the ladder! You feel upset about his recognition, you tend to find excuses for his progress etc. This can happen with anyone. However, we are all rational, so we can analyse and  conclude what is right and what is wrong. Thus, continuing to feel jealous of a classmate or a colleague or another person is not in the right spirit!


We are luckily living in a world in which each of us can use our potential to its highest capacity. Don’t feel jealous about X’s progress, instead, do a bit of  research…. find out what makes him excel in his field, how much hardwork and perseverance he puts in, how much commitment and resolve he has, and how passionate he is to use his caliber to the maximum. If you start thinking in these lines, you are already MAGNANIMOUS! 

You will soon introspect, and ask yourself similar questions. As you travel through such a path, you might identify your own faults and drawbacks, how you can alter your stand, how you can change your perspective to be happy in your own passionate field. These thoughts will mould you better. This is the baby-step towards not feeling jealous, but feeling complacent and happy for him instead!


Please understand that each individual is different. So stop comparing two people or discussing anyone with a negative intention. This does not mean one should not pay attention to someone else’s faults…. you should  be aware of the drawbacks,  yet choose a path that does not hinder your thoughts or your progress. The moment you choose to ignore, pay a deaf ear to negative thoughts or rumors and gossips, you will feel the vastness  of positivity in front of you!


Let 'Live And Let Live’ be your motto. When you see  X’s progress, his recognition and reward,  please applaud and let him know your appreciation and enjoyment. If you concentrate similarly and advance in your own field, you will surely get due name and recognition too. Be humble whenever you own this coveted  credit. Thus, if you concentrate on your  own progress instead of feeling jealous about someone else, your life will be peaceful, comfortable and contented. Good Luck!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan,  Mumbai



Lalitha Shankar said...

Shanta.. Your article is a treasure trove. Everyone, not children alone, have a lot of takeaways. Continue to enrich everyone’s knowledge thru this medium. God bless.

lookingglass said...

Dear Shanta Madam,this blog truly helped me.At a ripe age like this I was going through few emotions that I would not admit to my self
Your blog helped me to face my self and address them. Now I am sure the positive out look that you have mentioned will come.

Lakshmi Maganti