Saturday, December 25, 2021


It is never too late to go back to childhood recollection! It brings

about a nostalgic moment to anyone who is doing so. The fondness

and love, the pain and the gain.... all come back to us in a rush!!

And we learn from it. Enjoy the poem!! - Shanta Ramakrishnan



(Author unknown)

           If I had the power to turn back the clock,

            Go back to that house at the end of the block -

            The house that was HOME when I was a kid,

            I know that I'd love it more now than I did.

            If I could be back there at my mother's knee,

            And hear once again all the things she told me,

            I'd listen as I never listened before, 

            For she knew so well just what life had in store.

            And all the advice my dad used to give, 

            His voice I'll remember as long as I live;

            But it didn't seem really important then;

            What I'd give just to live it all over again. 

            And what I'd give for the chance I once had,

            To do so much more for my mother and dad;

            To give them more joy and a little less pain;

            A little more sunshine  - a little less rain.

            But the years roll on and we cannot go back,

            Whether we were born in a mansion or a shack;

            But we can start right now - in the hour that's here, 

            To do something more for the ones we hold dear.

            And since time in its flight is traveling so fast;

            Let's not spend it regretting that which is past;

            But let's make tomorrow a happier day

            By doing our 'good to others' - TODAY!!

                                                            (Author unknown)

Monday, September 27, 2021



‘Necessity is the mother of invention’.... This  is a proverb I learnt in school. My teacher’s explanation of this proverb is still clear in my mind. When you are cornered, or when there is a necessity to do something beyond what you normally do, you invent new methods. You change your route and identify a new path to reach the goal. The intention that you have a mission to accomplish,  gives you the zeal to face the challenges that lie in front of you. In doing so, you see new problems or new possibilities. If what you see ahead seems difficult, you devise a method to surpass it, and come out a winner! On the other hand, if what is in front is identified as a possibility, it is easy for you to use that as a stepping stone, to reach where your aim is.

This reminds me of the story of the 'Thirsty Crow' I read as a kid. The crow is thirsty, but finds very little water in a pitcher. It does not give up but devices a method to face the challenge. It picks up small pebbles/stones, drops them one by one into the pitcher, till the water level rises slowly. The crow then happily drinks the water and flies away. If the crow had ignored the challenge it faced and moved away, it would have remained thirsty. So it pondered and planned its move well. Educating yourself every single moment is what Life teaches you. No situation, happy or sad, is without a lesson. You get experienced thus and become mature. You learn from people around you and from incidents you are subjected to face. Take each lesson sportingly, willingly, positively and move forward. Good Luck!!

-          © Shanta Ramakrishnan, Mumbai. 27.09.2021

Monday, August 9, 2021




We have only one life to live… and that is happening NOW! We are going through the rigour of life each day. Most of us are always serious. Our day begins with making a ‘To-do list’ and proceeding to accomplish most of the pending jobs listed therein, one after the other! We all have some aim in life, a goal where we intend to reach eventually. In doing so, what we forget is being light sometimes, relax and enjoy what the day spreads in front of us.  Why should one be always serious about something? Why can’t we be ourselves a bit, sit back and relax, resort to doing something that we have always wanted to do, instead of worrying about pending chores, or seeing what is next in that list!?

Just loosen up, look around and identify that humour in any situation that you would miss otherwise. Enjoy what is in front of you. Recognize your time with your family as precious and give the ‘connectivity’ that people around you are eagerly waiting for. Do not be worked-up all the time. Understand that being playful is not a crime. Cultivate this habit and make your life more meaningful.

 It is a happy talent to know how to play’…these are the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), an American essayist, preacher, poet and philosopher. These, rather unceremonious words, were included in one of Emerson’s journal entries from April 1835, offering an insight into his values. He gave us a warning against being very serious and worked-up while taking societal rules too seriously. If you are serious and pre-occupied all the time, you sacrifice your fun time. There is nothing wrong in being silly or feeling light sometimes.  If you cultivate a habit of being playful as you look around for relief from stress, you will become physically and emotionally healthier. Being playful is an excellent ability which forms a solid base to a happy life. Start by taking time off to be with a loved one, crack a joke, read a book, join the game being played outside, listen to music, play an instrument or sing a few lines, laugh and show spontaneous merriment. Be yourself, be playful. And do not worry about outsiders being judgemental about you. Be serious whenever a situation warrants. However, if you are generally playful and spread your time well with family, friends and be passionate about a hobby, your serious work will be more effective, result-oriented and positive in its outcome! So… put on that smile and be ready to enjoy life! Good Luck!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan, Mumbai

August 10, 2021

Monday, August 2, 2021



* Bagavatgita L-1 Classes 
* Conducted by Geeta Pariwar
* Sessions were on Zoom Meet at 3.00 pm.
* Dates: 05.07.2021  to 30.07.2021
_🙏 Jai  Sree  Krishna! 🙏_
My Poem:
*Bagavatgita Level-1 : My Experience!*

Our thoughts almost  always
Do not come in a nutshell,
So my feelings of BG/L-1
I'll share here and  tell

I was hesitant in the beginning
To register - to enroll
But then  goodwill prevailed
Thought, "I'm closer to my goal!"

Learning Bagavatgita was..
Something I was interested in
With the notice and announcement 
I straight away... plunged in!

Once the class got started
There was no looking back
As you are engrossed in learning,
Chanting on perfect track!

Bang at 3pm,  we all will
Meet on the familiar Zoom
Then for thoughts, other than BG,
There was absolutely.. no room! 

Students of all ages
Both very young and very old
Learnt the precious Slokas, 
That's treasured, more than gold!

Bhumikaji and Upendraji
The two behind the scene
Ably assist us each time
Even when they are not seen.

Jyotsnaji, our tech assistant
Is an energetic lady,
Be with audio, video, whatever
To help, she is ever-ready!

Now I come to our lovely Guru
Anitaji...the smiling one
To understand, teach with patience
She is second to none!

She is sharp, observant and sporting
Good,  in doing her part
Charming and endearing, no doubt,
We loved her, right from start!

Each audio, she will hear
And send in, her comments
Always encouraging  and urging
Her words, truly, well-meant!

Soon Chapter 12 finished
As we all sent our videos
For rating and approval
And to get our kudos!!

Now Chapter 15 is too done
And we've had revision
To send our 2nd video
Is our next urgent mission!

The teachings are divine
Weekend sessions, fantastic
The sharing, very informative
We got into the divine magic!!

One baby step over, 
The next one  to begin, 
So I  registered for L-2
And am pleased, with a grin!

I'm so happy and fortunate
To be here with you all
Sharing my unique experience
Which, I consider, a Divine Call!!

- (written by: © Shanta Ramakrishnan, Mumbai) 
Dated: 02.08.2021

_🙏 Jai Sree Krishna! 🙏_

Thursday, April 1, 2021




In life, we go through various paths to reach our goal. While doing so, we have different choices in front of us. No two lanes that we travel through might be similar... and no two decisions that we take, identical. As we proceed we face challenges and hurdles and in some rare instances, the journey might be smooth!!  Whatever is the situation, we cannot just sit put and wait for things to happen.... we cannot remain still  for life to progress on its own!

Each day, we need to assess the situation we are in. What we perceived to be a very difficult task yesterday, could have been tackled if we had not postponed it. As we did not take it up yesterday, it remained pending and we are compelled to take it up ....TODAY! 

Why do we procrastinate? Why do we not continue with a task that is in front of us then and there? Why do we hesitate? The answer is simple.... It is the unsure nature of our mind that make us hold-up matters sometimes. Our mind fluctuates, giving us wrong signals sporadically, and if we are not firm, the task will end up on top of our 'pending pile'!  This means, our 'TO DO' list gets longer and longer! J

We should consciously remember to take up what lies in front of us each day.... think and act on each challenge, tackle the same thoroughly from our end. This practice will give us more self-assurance and contentment. Thus we will move on in life with greater confidence. Also, we might end up being a role-model for someone else!! JJ

Good Luck!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan,  Mumbai


Tuesday, March 16, 2021





Year 2020 will go down in history for the deadly pandemic Covid-19! The fatal virus originated from China and spread its ill effects all over the world. It was disastrous as there were infinite innocents dead due to this Coronavirus. There were serious allegations and counter talks at the international level… but the disaster had already struck the world badly.


How should we react in such a situation? Though we are just a speck in the vast universe, we understand that  a good beginning is required to stop the spread of the virus if possible. Here comes the significance of the proverb, PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE… meaning, let us begin to stop the calamity from spreading further. Avoiding self from catching the virus is better than suffering the sickness and waiting for a cure.


Our PM declared countrywide lockdown. We were instructed to maintain personal hygiene, wear mask, keep social distancing. Washing of our hands were demonstrated in all social media. Public transports came to a standstill, offices, educational institutions, shops pulled down the shutters during peak pandemic. There were dos and don’ts announced and circulated, and all were compelled to adhere to these rules. We knew that the instructions came as a preventive measure for stopping the spread  of pandemic further. Shaking hands became a taboo and ‘Namaste’ became the international greeting gesture!

Soon our India became famous for the manufacture of Covid-19 vaccine! Another feather in its cap! Now we are supplying large quantity of the vaccine all over the world, and our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is lauded for the same.

Once the reaction of Covid-19 vaccine was found  positively effective, the frontline caregivers, ie the Medical Warriors took the shots. Last fortnight saw senior citizens registering for their vaccination and consciously making an effort in getting vaccinated! A very responsible gesture!

Are  we waiting for the calamity to enlarge more ? NO, NO!!!  We all are cooperating with our nation in ‘preventing’ further spread of the virus by getting ourselves vaccinated as directed by our government, apart from following all pandemic regulations.


Foreseeing peril and stopping a dangerous situation from spreading further is better than suffering the consequences and looking for a remedy later. Each of us is proud of our India and proud to be an Indian. Happy to be in a nation that showed the world that Prevention is Better Than Cure!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan,  Mumbai


Wednesday, March 3, 2021



Please read the above title 4-5 times till you get the phrase verbatim. Now, what does it mean?

'Minding', as a verb, means taking care, protecting or monitoring. The easy way to understand is in the sentence, "the monitor is minding the class in the absence of the teacher".  The word 'mind' also has many meanings and usages. However, in this sentence, 'Mind your Language!!', it is used as a warning to alert you to take care of what you utter.... both normally, or when you are taken by surprise!

Every human being can think, this is the gift of the creator. We all can express our thoughts for others to hear. When you communicate, see that the words are not harsh, not negative, not biased. Do not jump into conclusion, and try not to be judgmental. Also, do not belittle anyone by your words. We all have our own faults as well as our own glory. When you analyse, you will notice that there are differences in the quantum, or type of quality, within each of us. Respect the differences, as no two brains need to think alike. (if they do, you are lucky! ☺). Express your perspective but patiently wait as the other person expresses his/hers. Use a respectable language to explain your viewpoint. This will make you popular even if you are an opponent. 

On flip-side, be firm not to let others belittle you. You know how much care you take to weigh your words before you talk. Sometimes you become a recipient of an impulsive outburst. In such a case, you would naturally be furious and upset at the time. However, understand the immaturity or over-smartness of the speaker and stay calm, (even if you fume from within). If possible, smile! This will make them wonder why they cannot break your composure!. That is your Ace Moment!

So, from your side, r own, see that you use firm,  yet positive words. Frame sentences that get constructive impact and optimistic results. Leave time for the partner to think and act.... as sometimes, it takes a while for good words to sink in! ☺☺. Good Luck!!

- © Shanta Ramakrishnan, Mumbai


Wednesday, February 24, 2021





God has taken great care and effort while creating each human being! HE has not just given us life, shape and identifiable features, HE has also put unseen properties inside us. Intellect, rational thinking, and various feelings are among them. The magical touch of the ‘Power Above’ makes a new born baby shudder at a cold breeze, or cry when hungry. Amazing, isn’t it?  


Emotions lie within each of us, some of these are very positive ( happiness, compassion, gratitude etc.)  while some are not so (hatred, envy, spite etc.).  A growing child can fumble and falter as he gets a hang of the novelty of emotions that crop up from within. It is at this stage that the adults nearby should make him understand which emotion is positive and which is not. The child might look confused, but please don’t give up…. as kids need help in understanding themselves. The adult should be patient, use many methods to make the minor realize what is going on within him. Sometimes, mere words will be of no use.… you need to give him examples or cite real-life situations to warn him against a negative emotions.


JEALOUSY is a feeling one gets when one is not happy with the progress or growth of a fellow being. You are envious, and feel strongly that he should fail, or that he should not reach UP the ladder! You feel upset about his recognition, you tend to find excuses for his progress etc. This can happen with anyone. However, we are all rational, so we can analyse and  conclude what is right and what is wrong. Thus, continuing to feel jealous of a classmate or a colleague or another person is not in the right spirit!


We are luckily living in a world in which each of us can use our potential to its highest capacity. Don’t feel jealous about X’s progress, instead, do a bit of  research…. find out what makes him excel in his field, how much hardwork and perseverance he puts in, how much commitment and resolve he has, and how passionate he is to use his caliber to the maximum. If you start thinking in these lines, you are already MAGNANIMOUS! 

You will soon introspect, and ask yourself similar questions. As you travel through such a path, you might identify your own faults and drawbacks, how you can alter your stand, how you can change your perspective to be happy in your own passionate field. These thoughts will mould you better. This is the baby-step towards not feeling jealous, but feeling complacent and happy for him instead!


Please understand that each individual is different. So stop comparing two people or discussing anyone with a negative intention. This does not mean one should not pay attention to someone else’s faults…. you should  be aware of the drawbacks,  yet choose a path that does not hinder your thoughts or your progress. The moment you choose to ignore, pay a deaf ear to negative thoughts or rumors and gossips, you will feel the vastness  of positivity in front of you!


Let 'Live And Let Live’ be your motto. When you see  X’s progress, his recognition and reward,  please applaud and let him know your appreciation and enjoyment. If you concentrate similarly and advance in your own field, you will surely get due name and recognition too. Be humble whenever you own this coveted  credit. Thus, if you concentrate on your  own progress instead of feeling jealous about someone else, your life will be peaceful, comfortable and contented. Good Luck!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan,  Mumbai


Wednesday, February 17, 2021




What is a Knock? A noise? An indication of something ready to enter….? Taking permission? Maybe! What is the ‘knock’ referred here that you are advised to pay attention to? Here is the answer….

Everyone has a mind of his own. An intellect that can think and ponder, that can decide what is right and wrong, that can help you in making your choice. What makes you do all these actions? It is the urge, the support that draws you towards making a decision. How do you understand this ? By listening to your inner voice!

One sees many things, hears many sounds and all these have an impact in our mind. In addition, we have other concerns that take a priority.  Our first concern should be our LIFE, how we lead it, how we conduct ourselves, how close and bonded we are to our family, what future plans we have for us, what path we are going to take to get satisfaction personally and professionally. Not an easy verdict to take in a jiffy. As days progress, we tend to edit our decisions, make adjustments and alter our intentions slightly, to suit the situation. However, the final goal in life might remain the same.


We need to be alert about what is happening around us and how such events impact our life, our family, our goal. We see opportunities thrown our way by an unseen hand that can change our life totally for the better. This can come in the form of a sudden encounter with a friend, a casual  reference that we can use for our benefit, an advertisement that suits our qualification,  or even an offer that comes out of the blue!  

When this happens, you get a hunch that someone is taking the reign of life from your hands, albeit temporarily!  It is then, that you understand that the Power Above can work wonders, play a drama and steer you rightly, if you deserve it. This is the KNOCK that I was referring to earlier, the silent voice from within, the invisible movement that touches your head with a blessing. Look out for such signs and take up such choices thrown your way, as you continue sincerely towards being a successful human being. If you listen to these small SIGNS, NUDGES, KNOCKS, and analyse the same, they will prove encouraging for your progress towards your goal! Good luck and stay blessed!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan, Mumbai

Wednesday, February 10, 2021



 If you CARE,  you should SHARE!

Care is an emotion, it is an attitude, it is a feeling. When you feel for goodness of  something or somebody, it means you care for that item or that person. Care need not stop with people known to us, our near and dear ones. It can widen to a bigger horizon and encompass a larger audience, a huge number of recipients. How? You will know soon 


 If you know someone might be sick, and can do with some help and moral support, then SHARE a bit of your time with them. You can tell a prayer, maybe cook a dish for them, help them get medical assistance at home, get their medicines from shop …. ANY small bit of help goes a BIG way in such a situation.  Let them know you are there for them like a pillar, and psychologically, they will gain courage and confidence to face the turmoil in a better way.


Suppose you have a talent for an art and are good at it. You have got some extra personal experience of how you learnt it so well, SHARE that knowledge with others. Nowadays, with the digital media flourishing and entering each household, sharing is not a big task at all. Suppose you are good at cooking and you have a nice tried-and-tested recipe, SHARE in social media so others (even whom you do not know)  learn about it and enjoy. The fact that your sharing has reached out and benefited IS the reward you get, plus the happiness and goodwill of that recipient towards you is the unseen blessing that is sent your way.


SHARE any and all positive knowledge. If the knowledge is a coveted one, have an official 'Copyright' for the owner. You can also professionally 'patent' your creation and share the information with public who will benefit. Don’t keep your wisdom a secret, if it can educate others in a better way through it. Create a blog, write in a publication, share a video, do anything to reach out.


 This does not mean you are bragging about your knowledge. NO, not at all. The way you go about sharing shows how much you care for others in the society. It is proof of your intention for their betterment.


 In the current times, there are  several social groups. Eg. In our residential complex,  we have a  'GoGreen’  WhatsApp group. This group  has experts with green-fingers who have kitchen garden and who grow flowers and herbs, vegetables, and some, even fruits. Some make compost in their homes. These people are ready to teach  others whatever knowledge they have. Such SHARING happens as a result of their  CARING  for others. This can eventually result in many kitchen gardens and eco-friendly experiments. 


If you have read a nice book, and would like to encourage others to read the same,  share the title and a synopsis in a group that might enjoy the book with this information. Or, if you have mastered  a difficult  song …. ten share the audio with music lovers, someone in the group will learn the song from your sharing!


However, 'Share if you Care’  comes with a catch-line. You should share, not for praise or flattery. You should share because you want to see its  benefit on many, and expand the result multi-fold. That selfless attitude in caring as you share brings about goodness all around. So please  ‘Care for others and Share with others’! Good Luck!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan,  Mumbai


Wednesday, February 3, 2021



Life teaches you many lessons. There are many ways one learns. First from mom, from family – the older ones, then from teachers,  friends,  mentors, colleagues  and finally again from family - the younger ones.  J. Each time, it is the experience that makes your knowledge firm.


Relationship is the bond that you build with someone. When a bridge is built, it gives pathway to move to and fro…. from one end to the other AND back! Similarly, if you maintain a good relationship with someone, it can work to the advantage of both the parties. This association decides if the friendship or the bond stays strong and long…. or sours and fails.


It is not easy to understand a relationship, leave alone maintaining it strong at the drop of a hat. There are guidelines, ie. there are rules that one has to follow. If you ignore these,  you will surely regret and pay a BIG price!

To continue to keep up a friendship, both have to be sincere and honest. Humour and light-heartedness enrich this in course of time, and these friends understand each other properly and have a great rapport! Anytime, there can be a reason to have misunderstanding and quarrel.  However, if one thinks at length about what caused the confusion, discusses it frankly, with or without an intermediary, it will straighten the matter. It is very easy to break a good relationship by mere gossip, spreading  rumour and/or sly backbiting. These are not good qualities and surely not recommended for people who are aiming at a peaceful life.

Be honest and loyal, be clear in your thoughts without hurting anyone. If you find something amiss,  find out how it can be sorted out  without causing much damage. If you are wrong,  own it, and make amends. This is a great gesture in keeping the bond sturdy and strong. If each of you make an effort in maintaining relationships, it will be the best asset you would gain over the years.

Good Luck!


© Shanta Ramakrishnan,  Mumbai


Friday, January 15, 2021




What is Cultivation?  Cultivation is the process involved in the growth of something.... anything!! From a small non-descriptive seed, if proper care and detailed procedure are followed, you will be able to cultivate an harvest. This is Nature at its best!! The seed will change its shape and size and grow into a sapling. It will bloom, increasing in size , branching out happily, giving out flowers and fruits. It will also provide shades to many as it becomes a sturdy seasoned tree!

'Cultivation of Happiness' is also similar. Happiness is a state of mind. It is upto you to decide if you want happiness in your life, or otherwise. If it is the former, when you look around, you will find good things and memorable moments, or share your concerns with someone who can help you find a solution. You are packed with action. On the other hand, if you are comfortable sitting put and fretting, you will end up worrying and feeling dissatisfied with everything around you. The CHOICE is yours!

Start your 'feeling happy' state of mind early morning as you wake up. Just before you get up from bed, open your eyes and feel 'thankful' that you are awake, alive and kicking! It is  God's will that you have life today. And it is your will to make it useful or not! Look around and smile, even if it is at nothing ☺. Your smile is a BIG 'thank you' for being awake and ready to start the day!  Rub your palms together and run them around your face. Let the positive energy pass on to your face, and from there on, to your body!Continue to smile as you fold your bedspreads and move on to other usual chores.

YOU decide to make your day  well. There can be incidents that will be hindrance to this principle. And you might feel bad at many stages on many days.... but that should not be the end of the world or the end of your zeal. Within you, your happiness will give you strength and courage, making you analyse situations and problems, help you find possible solutions. One such possibility will click and the testing time will stop. You will end up with a 'Never give-up' attitude. The worst will be over and the silver lining will be seen soon. Be positive! 

Happiness grows as happiness is shared! A sincere smile at someone you chance upon, and happy greeting to someone you meet, a 'good luck' wish to a young student, a pat on the back to an aspiring struggler, a finger to hold to a toddler wanting to walk.... At all these occasions, you are passing on your spirit of happiness to others, and sowing the happy seeds in their minds! Like how pollen from flowers are taken away for further growth elsewhere, your happy nudges will get planted in other minds and grow in leaps and bounds there too. 

A big, fully-grown tree gives shades to many who seek rest and solace under it. Similarly, as you become a seasoned 'happiness giver', you will find many who have benefited out of your sharing! 

So Cultivate Happiness, sow the seed now and reap the harvest for ever! Good Luck!!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan, Mumbai



Friday, January 1, 2021


HAPPY  NEW  YEAR  2021!!

We are stepping into a new decade
Let us hope it is nicely made
With years of solid, comfortable days
We will live with cheerful ways.

We are stepping into a New Year too,
With Corona as a  lingering taboo
Pray that the next 365 days
Bring good health and sunny  rays.

Let your family become closely knit
With love, understanding woven around it.
Let laughter and joy, happiness and cheer, 
Give you company throughout the year! 

To my friends and siblings... to each one
Stay blessed!! Happy Twenty Twenty One!  

© Shanta Ramakrishnan, 
Bhandup, Mumbai