Thursday, December 17, 2020




Thoughts are an integral part of a human being and no one can remain without thinking.  And all thoughts are not identical in quality, mood or intensity. Some thoughts are happy, hilarious, comical, cheerful, bringing about a smile in your face and in your mind. Some are grim, frustrating, intimidating, stinging,  making you feel low, bringing a scowl to your face.


If your thoughts are gnawing, they keep coming back to you, they will disturb you in your routine. They delay the work that is at hand. Some thoughts can even make you forget your bearings.  If you do not work towards lessening this burden, you can fall sick or have some other complicated issues in life.


We need to see which of these  thoughts are predominant in our mind. If they are happy thoughts, share them with loved ones, however silly you feel they might be. By sharing, you are making your heart blossom with happiness, and you feel light.

If the thoughts that bother you often are troublesome, they make you lose sleep and are annoying, take a deep breath… step back and analyse them. Are they worth storing within you? Most likely such thoughts turn out to be silly, as they wrongly try to overpower your senses.


Once in a while, when you think you are gloomy and wonder why, do a deep cleaning within!! One process of cleaning is lessening your load by sharing your frustration or confusion with a good friend or a confidant. This sharing itself lessens the burden to half! You can communicate with someone you trust and who will think of your well-being. This will relieve you to a great extent. You might also get some advice from your friend which will help you face your life with a different feeling, maybe even with an increased enthusiasm.

One should also look inwards and see/feel with detachment. You can even cast the burden off, bundle them and throw in the mental attic if they cannot be forgotten. In the process of analyzing this, you might just  end up realizing how small these troubles are or, how these do not even pertain to you in any way. Mostly it is our imagination that makes a situation bad or good. With our attitude to remain calm, not to get agitated at any time, knowing that there will be a solution, we can feel comfortable, relaxed and cool.  If we normally do not hurt anyone …manasa, vacha, karmana … ie if we do not hurt anyone even by our thoughts,  by our words or by deeds, getting back to  happy, lighter days are just round the corner! Good Luck!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan,

Bhandup, Mumbai



Sameer said...

Very true n nice articulation

Padre said...

A very relevant topic. The mind is swimming with thoughts all the time. The ones that cause distress are normally external on which we have absolutely no control. If one is able to look at it objectively and focus only on thoughts where the control lies within us, then that can make life far easier.

However, if thoughts continue to distress, it is always useful to speak to someone, instead of throwing it up the mental attic. Speaking is an act of great courage which most people (including me) are not able to conjure up. Hats off to those who do it.