Tuesday, December 30, 2014


'Time and Tide wait for no man'.... this is a well-known proverb. The Time available to each one is already fixed by the creator, 24 hours a day...365 days a year!! Even if a person is aware of the availability of Time, one cribs and says ' Oh Sorry, I did not have the Time!!" and makes an excuse for not accomplishing something.  This is not right, as, if given a chance, with careful planning one can allocate time for almost everything one wishes. There are people who have no time to introspect, no time to think of the Lord or to pray for their fellow beings. They move around like robot from one activity to the other, without actually enjoying life to the fullest. TIME is very precious, and once gone by, it is never possible to recover the past. So be careful how you utilize time in a proper manner.

Here is a poem that I read in Sacred Space in The Times of India on May 09, 1996 and I have taken the liberty to make slight changes / additions to publish here with due respect and credit to the original author. - Shanta Ramakrishnan (December 29, 2014)


I knelt to pray, but not for long
I had too much to do
Must hurry off and get to work
For bills will soon be due

And as I said a hurried prayer
Jumped up from off my knee
I felt my duty now was done, and
My soul, at ease, could be

All through the day I had no time
To speak a word of cheer
No time to speak of God to friends
They'd laugh at me, I feared

No time, no time, too much to do
That was my constant cry
No time to give to those in need
At last it was time to die

When before the Lord I came,
And stood with downcast eyes
Within His hand He held a book
It was the BOOK OF LIFE...

He looked in the book and said, "Oh My.."
"Your name I cannot find,
I once was going to write it down
But never had the time!!"...

(Following continuation is by © Shanta Ramakrishnan....)

So dear friends, here is what I say
Be good to others, spread cheer around
Take time to render good deeds
To such duties, you are bound...

Share a smile, a hug and help
Take time to lend a hand
You will be thanked by many a heart
Your one life, you live GRAND

And when you die, you are at peace
That while living, you did your bit
You held a shoulder,  wiped a tear
Helped when needed, you had the grit
The Lord, when you reach up there
Will see in the Book, He opens,
Pages n pages of good deeds you did
For you - this Earth.... was Heaven!!

- Original Credit TOI (Sacred Space) 09.05.1996
(with slight changes by Shanta Ramakrishnan)
(Additional verses by © Shanta Ramakrishnan)


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