Monday, September 27, 2021



‘Necessity is the mother of invention’.... This  is a proverb I learnt in school. My teacher’s explanation of this proverb is still clear in my mind. When you are cornered, or when there is a necessity to do something beyond what you normally do, you invent new methods. You change your route and identify a new path to reach the goal. The intention that you have a mission to accomplish,  gives you the zeal to face the challenges that lie in front of you. In doing so, you see new problems or new possibilities. If what you see ahead seems difficult, you devise a method to surpass it, and come out a winner! On the other hand, if what is in front is identified as a possibility, it is easy for you to use that as a stepping stone, to reach where your aim is.

This reminds me of the story of the 'Thirsty Crow' I read as a kid. The crow is thirsty, but finds very little water in a pitcher. It does not give up but devices a method to face the challenge. It picks up small pebbles/stones, drops them one by one into the pitcher, till the water level rises slowly. The crow then happily drinks the water and flies away. If the crow had ignored the challenge it faced and moved away, it would have remained thirsty. So it pondered and planned its move well. Educating yourself every single moment is what Life teaches you. No situation, happy or sad, is without a lesson. You get experienced thus and become mature. You learn from people around you and from incidents you are subjected to face. Take each lesson sportingly, willingly, positively and move forward. Good Luck!!

-          © Shanta Ramakrishnan, Mumbai. 27.09.2021