Tuesday, March 16, 2021





Year 2020 will go down in history for the deadly pandemic Covid-19! The fatal virus originated from China and spread its ill effects all over the world. It was disastrous as there were infinite innocents dead due to this Coronavirus. There were serious allegations and counter talks at the international level… but the disaster had already struck the world badly.


How should we react in such a situation? Though we are just a speck in the vast universe, we understand that  a good beginning is required to stop the spread of the virus if possible. Here comes the significance of the proverb, PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE… meaning, let us begin to stop the calamity from spreading further. Avoiding self from catching the virus is better than suffering the sickness and waiting for a cure.


Our PM declared countrywide lockdown. We were instructed to maintain personal hygiene, wear mask, keep social distancing. Washing of our hands were demonstrated in all social media. Public transports came to a standstill, offices, educational institutions, shops pulled down the shutters during peak pandemic. There were dos and don’ts announced and circulated, and all were compelled to adhere to these rules. We knew that the instructions came as a preventive measure for stopping the spread  of pandemic further. Shaking hands became a taboo and ‘Namaste’ became the international greeting gesture!

Soon our India became famous for the manufacture of Covid-19 vaccine! Another feather in its cap! Now we are supplying large quantity of the vaccine all over the world, and our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is lauded for the same.

Once the reaction of Covid-19 vaccine was found  positively effective, the frontline caregivers, ie the Medical Warriors took the shots. Last fortnight saw senior citizens registering for their vaccination and consciously making an effort in getting vaccinated! A very responsible gesture!

Are  we waiting for the calamity to enlarge more ? NO, NO!!!  We all are cooperating with our nation in ‘preventing’ further spread of the virus by getting ourselves vaccinated as directed by our government, apart from following all pandemic regulations.


Foreseeing peril and stopping a dangerous situation from spreading further is better than suffering the consequences and looking for a remedy later. Each of us is proud of our India and proud to be an Indian. Happy to be in a nation that showed the world that Prevention is Better Than Cure!

© Shanta Ramakrishnan,  Mumbai


Wednesday, March 3, 2021



Please read the above title 4-5 times till you get the phrase verbatim. Now, what does it mean?

'Minding', as a verb, means taking care, protecting or monitoring. The easy way to understand is in the sentence, "the monitor is minding the class in the absence of the teacher".  The word 'mind' also has many meanings and usages. However, in this sentence, 'Mind your Language!!', it is used as a warning to alert you to take care of what you utter.... both normally, or when you are taken by surprise!

Every human being can think, this is the gift of the creator. We all can express our thoughts for others to hear. When you communicate, see that the words are not harsh, not negative, not biased. Do not jump into conclusion, and try not to be judgmental. Also, do not belittle anyone by your words. We all have our own faults as well as our own glory. When you analyse, you will notice that there are differences in the quantum, or type of quality, within each of us. Respect the differences, as no two brains need to think alike. (if they do, you are lucky! ☺). Express your perspective but patiently wait as the other person expresses his/hers. Use a respectable language to explain your viewpoint. This will make you popular even if you are an opponent. 

On flip-side, be firm not to let others belittle you. You know how much care you take to weigh your words before you talk. Sometimes you become a recipient of an impulsive outburst. In such a case, you would naturally be furious and upset at the time. However, understand the immaturity or over-smartness of the speaker and stay calm, (even if you fume from within). If possible, smile! This will make them wonder why they cannot break your composure!. That is your Ace Moment!

So, from your side, r own, see that you use firm,  yet positive words. Frame sentences that get constructive impact and optimistic results. Leave time for the partner to think and act.... as sometimes, it takes a while for good words to sink in! ☺☺. Good Luck!!

- © Shanta Ramakrishnan, Mumbai
