Thursday, February 12, 2015


The other day I stepped out of my bank and started my cautious walk towards home. Cautious, because unless you are extremely careful, you are bound to lose balance and fall down, or sprain an ankle. No two stones on the pavement are evenly leveled or no road is without a hump or a hollow!! This is not any news to Mumbaikars as, true to their reputation, they continue their busy life without any grumbling.

As I crossed the road and turned towards where my residence is, I innocently lifted one leg from a wobbly stone in the pavement!! Within a second I could see myself fall on my knees, my heavy load hitting the sand with brutality. I felt foolish... and I was in great pain. The salwar had torn on both the knees and I could see bloody bruises staring at me. My elbows were full of mud with devilish scratches on them! Slowly I lifted myself and stood quietly on one side, as people were staring at me to see my next move!! I made my way home with slow, painful walk. Later a doctor's visit was necessary to remedy the damages done to my body by the uneven 'footpath'!! I am still angry and ashamed, but unfortunately, nothing can be done. Please read on....

It is risky to walk in Mumbai!

A wobbly ankle with a bad sprain -
That makes me unsteady, gives me great pain
How it happened, you might ask
In its glory, our government should bask (!)

The uneven pavement in our great city
A hollow, a hump… I fell without any pity
I could not move for a minute, you see
Then went to the doctor, and paid a heavy fee...

Our babus have nothing to  lose, I say
They move in their cars, all the way
Not worrying about the ordinary ones
Who pay heavy taxes, with benefits, almost none....

Our ‘sarkar’ turns a blind eye, a deaf ear,
To such happenings, year after year
Thousands fall... fall prey  to this negligence
No problem, they continue, as if with a vengeance !!

- Written by © Shanta Ramakrishnan
   (February 12, 2015)

I Am Fine! Thank You!!

Here is poem which preaches the practical benefit of positive thinking as we grow old! I understand that the poem was written around 1953 by Constance O’Neon.

I'm Fine! Thank You !!

There is nothing the matter with me
I'm as healthy as can be.
I have arthritis in both my knees
And when I talk, I talk with a wheeze, 
My pulse is weak and my blood is thin,
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.Arch supports I have for my feet,
Or I wouldn't be able to go on the street.  
Sleep is denied me night after night,
But every morning I find I'm all right,
My memory is failing, my head's in a spin
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in. 
The moral is this - as my tale I unfold,
That for you and me who are growing old,
It's better to say, "I'm fine" with a grin,
Than to let folks know the shape we're in. 
How do I know that my youth is all spent?
Well my 'get up and go' has got up and went.
But I don't really mind when I think with a grin,
Of all the grand places 'my get up' has been. 
Old age is golden, I've heard it said,
But sometimes I wonder as I get into bed,
With my ears in the drawer, my teeth in the cup,
My eyes on the table until I wake up.  
Ere sleep overtakes me, I think to myself
Is there anything else I could lay on the shelf?
When I was young, my slippers were red;
I could kick my heels right over my head.  
When I got older, my slippers were blue;
But still I could dance the whole night through.
But now I am old, my slippers are black;
I walk to the store and puff my way back. 
I get up each day and dust off my wits,
And pick up the paper and read the 'obits'.
If my name is still missing, I know I'm not dead -
So I have a good breakfast and go back to bed.
-- written in 1953 by Constance O’Neon.
Hope you enjoyed reading it. Thanks. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


This happened during our visit to Dubai in December 2007. The visit itself was a memorable one,  as both Mohan and I enjoyed the unpolluted air, the cleanliness of Dubai, the way the whole place was well-kept and the warmth of the inhabitants. Our daughter Preeta and her hubby Nikhil introduced us to their friends' circle and we enjoyed the closeness and the rapport very much. The group planned a picnic together, an adventurous one.... A REAL CAMP!! Ganesh, Ajay and Nikhil got their road-maps ready and were identifying a spot to camp, the route to take, a date to travel and above all, the friends who can join in the camping-fun!!

Deepa's parents and Preeta's parents were two sets of seniors whose hearts and attitude did not age at all. They were game and ready to join the youngsters. So the Terrific Ten took the road in two vehicles and ended the year 2007 with a BIG bang!!


The adventurous group had a camping plan
They took off, there were ten in the clan
Two pairs of seniors, the rest, all young
The elders, to their young hearts, clung....

All stuff loaded in the car, we were all set, 
With Ajay and Nikhil driving, there was no cause of upset
We looked forward to fun, frolic and adventure
With minds light and laughing, we started the venture.

Ganesh joined us with his bag, before we set off
All strategies addressed, no chance for scoff
Folding chairs and tents, including mashaals
Pillows, sleeping bags, woolen caps and shawls....

Water, juices, and bottles in queue
Foodstuff planned with yummy barbecue!!
Charcoal, firewood, oil and matches
Plates, knives.... hunger - there were no weight watchers!!

The spirit was right, the group just apt, 
The scenic beauty, sending us on a rapt
Together the two cars started to move
Towards the destination, we shouted, "YAHOO!!"

Ganesh was the navigator, he had the road-map
He read the directions with precision, smart chap!!
The cameras went click click, time and again,
Deepa with handicam, her comments in the bargain...

Once the paved road was through, the path was rough
Pebbles, BIG stones n rocks, we thought it was enough
Luckily the spot seemed right for the overnight camp
The place cleaned, the tent was put up by our enthu champs!!

It was fun all along with kidding and laughter
We looked forward to what was coming after
Once relaxed, we were ready to enjoy the stay
And the wonderful time ahead, in every possible way!!

Chitra, the charming youngster, won our hearts,
Mmmm...Deepu and Ajay with their loving hearts 
The parents sent off their silent messages
With songs, smiles and mutual gazes....

Ganesh was busy clicking to glory
We enjoyed many songs, jokes and stories
'The affle, finaffle..." narration made us double up
The giggles got everyone to open up!!

We had anthakshari, then 'pillow blowing' competition,
'Mehbooba, mehbooba...'  with Preeta's dance rendition!!
Our appetite enormous, the thought sent us drooling
Palak paan, the eating invention, set the ball rolling

Barbecue began, with Deepu's supervision
Chitra, to fan the fire, she had a promotion!!
Compliments for cutting the veg, the senior ladies deserved
With Ajay 'popping' the first bottle, drinks were being served!!

Sleeping late was expected, not at all a bother
To anyone in the group, that we could gather,
Early risers got ready, set off on a distant walk
Whistling, singing and enjoying the funny talks

Breakfast with sandwiches n tea for hungry tummies
Everyone agreed, they were just yummy
Soon we folded the tents and cleaned up the place
Before we bid adieu, with emotion and grace

We had an excellent rapport, it was a wonderful team
having had real fun, we left the place with a beam
We thought, 'maybe we will camp together again'
But our first camp of Dec 2007, is engraved in our brain!!

--Written by  © Shanta Ramakrishnan (in December 2007)
